Gem #228 - A joke never gains over an enemy, but often loseth a friend

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Who the jovial among us, delights not in a good ol’ heart felt laugh? You know.. the sort that makes your tightly twisted convulsing belly ache with euphoric pleasure.. this whilst your rapidly deflating lungs refuse to succumb to the most basic repetitive motions - that which we’ve all come to rely on, as a means for our very survival. The hilarity of the distressing situation (serving only to compound the funniness thereof), ensures that the buffoonery lingering on.. excruciatingly inflates our desperate need for fresh air! Oftentimes, the only way to escape such agonizing ecstasy, is to promptly distance ourselves from the cause of the same. Though ‘coming down’ offers a much sought after relief, the fond memory seemingly etched into our dna, serves as a catalyst for our broadest/visibly-sincerest smiles for many years to come!

Humour is all about connections; that which we find most amusing, being closely intertwined with how we relate on a deeply personal front. Should for example, the laughter be the result of a joke being shared; we are left in hysterics, not because the topic is foreign.. but because based on our own life’s experiences, we may relate on some deeper level - either through common circumstances or the perception thereof. The precise reason we tell jokes may vary greatly; but suffice to say, the intention is usually to create a meaningful connection, by portraying similarities with the target audience in one way or another. In essence, we welcome them into our personal space.

While our adversaries ostensively share completely different mindsets, it becomes rather challenging (if not altogether insuperable), to relate to them in such an intimate manner. Even if common ground were theoretically plausible; a mere joke delivered is unlikely to be received, until such time as burned bridges be mended first. As with many of our foes, jokes themselves may not altogether be so innocent. What is amusing to some, be often at the expense of another; and as fast as the punch line be uttered, there is the potential for those dearest to us, to be alienated just as quickly. Great care should thus be taken, to not intentionally burn those bridges once admired for their strength. Allowing oneself to the the butt of the joke, serves not only to strengthen what is sound.. but also to start repairing what is not.

Till next time,


Accompanying image created by Artificial Intelligence using a carefully calibrated AI prompt, with the associated AI Generated Art License having confirmed that I own the copyright to the same. My writing is original, with inspiration drawn from the Public Domain work: Gnomologia: adages and proverbs, wise sentences, and witty sayings - 1817 (compiled by Thomas Fuller, M.D. 1654 - 1734). Nothing should be construed as any form of advice. Practice due diligence. All Rights Reserved.
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