First of all, INTRODUCTION

Hellllooo people of hive!!!!! Good day to you in any part of the world that you are! Can you hear the excitement in my voice, well I am! Joining hive is a high for me, thanks to @menoski

My name is Florence of the Loren Styx Brand. I am a Natural hair Enthusiast and specialist by experience with waist length 4B/C hair to show for it. I have been in the natural hair community for the past 8 years and watched it grow and learnt new things everyday.

Right now, I am teaching my audience what they need to know and the noise they need to shut out in this community. I am a budding and fast growing influencer and I would love to connect with you. This relationship can start by you following me and being here everytime I post. I run a YouTube channel where most of the resources will be but I also like to blog so you will hear from me.

Apart from natural hair, I am a final year medical student, I had 5 months to end med school before covid 19 came and put a pause on my life. I’m Nigerian, so nothing is happening school wise.


I will also be talking about medicine, lifestyle, gossips about my life and lots of things to laugh about. So join me. Here’s a short clip showing a short summary of all I have said.

Welcome to my blog! It’s going to be educative and fun!

Now that you are caught up, go ahead and follow and we meet again on my next blog!

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