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Splinterlands Weekly Challenge | Horny Toad's Neutral Utility

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This week has been a little difficult, since I have been with several tasks, however, in my plans is not to miss the challenge called by @splinterlands and @carrieallen, when I finally have some time, I find that it is a card that I had never used in battle and in fact I did not have it in my neutral card team, so I had to buy it to participate. Again @carrieallen has made it difficult for me, but nothing I can't do, so I accept the challenge.

The challenge represents a challenge, this card I acquired it only in level 1 and being in the Champions III league, it was complicated to find a battle that will allow me to use the card and additionally win it. Anyway, the purpose of all this is to test and improve our strategies using all kinds of cards and this is what these weekly challenges achieve.

Let's talk about “Horny Toad”

I had never used this card in what I've been playing @splinterlands, this is because I didn't see it as really useful in battle, despite seeing it in the market I'm not really interested in its ability at first, however, thanks to this challenge, I investigated a little bit what the potential of it is in higher levels and it's very interesting what it can achieve. Now, all of this allows us to thoroughly analyze the possibilities of using it in a battle depending on the circumstances that are presented to us so this is what I did.

Skills like "Reach and Poison" are very useful in close combat, especially the first one, which is the one that comes with this card from level 1, so I focused on selecting a battle that had these characteristics or some rules that would allow me to protect my "Horny Toad" and of course in a certain way is helpful.

Time for Battle

I didn't have enough patience to wait for a battle with the specifications I mentioned before, so in a way I had to improvise, since I took advantage of it to fulfill my daily mission that fortunately was with my strongest Splinter which is "Earth", this way, I had to adapt the challenge card in certain rules where I thought I could have a chance, so this is what I did. Watch my battle.

Click HERE to go to battle

Rules of my battle

  • Mana: 27
  • Reverse Speed: A fairly simple rule to understand, where the monsters with the lowest speed in this battle are the ones that will attack first.
  • Lost Magic: Here the monsters that have a magic attack can't be used in battle, which limits us to use only cards with melee and magic attacks.

My Team

Lyanna Natura
I used my Lyanna Natura not only because she was my strongest summoner, but also because I had a daily mission to perform, so I limited myself to using this summoner of course as long as the rules of battle allowed. So the ability of my Lyanna and my strongest team came to me in a certain way like a ring to the finger.
Flesh Golem
My strongest and most useful tank regardless of the type of battle, this is where my "Flesh" enters the field, showing his "Heal" ability, accompanied by his great health and quite acceptable attack power. Specially placed in this position because of his great resistance and looking for the most important thing that is time, so the rest of my team can attack my opponent and destroy him.
Horny Toad:
My second place card, plus of course the central card of this challenge. I wanted to take advantage of his "Reach" skill, so that he could support my Flesh Golem with the frontal melee attack, even though he was at level 1, my idea was also that he could buy me more time, so that my strongest cards could achieve their goal and destroy my opponent's front line.
Screeching Vulture
My third card, also with melee attack, but my strategy with this card is to take advantage of its skill called "Opportunity", which focuses on attacking my opponent's weakest card, commonly the weakest cards, are the ones that usually decrease or increase the speed of the cards or also heal the player's tank, so based on this, I wanted to weaken my opponent's formation using this card and prevent their skills from affecting my team.
Goblin Chef
This was a really important card in my strategy, it was really decisive and in a way it allowed me to destroy my opponent's tank, which was my most fearsome adversary in my opinion, as well as being my only barrier to being able to destroy his entire strategy. His "Afliction" skill, allowed me to prevent his Sea Monster from activating his native "Heal" skill, so this was my big chance to take the advantage.
Barking Spider
In addition to the cards with the right skills to make my strategy fit, I needed rank cards that attacked with at least 2 points, so I took advantage of the low mana needed to summon my Spider to allow me to cause damage to my opponent's first card, so, again my main objective was to destroy his Tank.
Earth Elemental
The last card of my team and also one of my main cards of attack and defense at the same time. I wasn't sure if my opponent would use cards with the "Sneak" skill and if he would focus on destroying my baseline, so I chose to summon my Elemental with his great "Heal" skill. In that sense, this would allow me to protect my other cards from an attack from the back of my opponent and at the same time attack his tank, a great card and very useful that I always use.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy worked well, I had my doubts at the beginning of the battle, but everything happened just as I planned. I was sure that by being able to defeat his "Sea Monster", this would give me the total advantage over the contest, so even though his "Naga" was able to somewhat diminish my central attacking power based on distance, my "Globin Chef" definitely had the last word in preventing the recovery of his main monster's health.

Do you use Horny Toad often? Why or why not?

I had never used it until the launch of this challenge, however, as I've commented in past challenges, every card regardless of its rarity is useful in some battle rule, so for that reason we can't discard a card just because of its rarity or how it looks in level 1, since all of them in my opinion have a hidden power that you have to know how to exploit and use. Based on this I will pay more attention to cards of this type and thus use more often cards like Horny Toad in my strategies.

Again a weekly challenge of this great blockchain based game called Splinterlands, if you want to know how to win real rewards with it join in without further delay.

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