The Journey Starts // Dreemport Marathon

Greetings People!

I remember when I began my journey on this blockchain, I found it difficult to navigate my way with the common mentality of "Hive platform is very difficult". Although I had people around, but I wanted to learn on my own which made me stick tto asking them just little questions. I bought my first HP from Binance (that kind of stress), and I didn't know that someone could delegate to a newbie. It was so tough that I had some of my first set of posts muted by Community moderators.

But now, I'm standing strong and wouldn't like to see any serious newbie face this kind of challenge. Emphasis on 'serious' because most of them only get serious at the intro post. I used to have a lot of downlines that I took my time to coach, but it's only one that's standing at the moment, and I'm excited to see the user make waves even though I'm still pushing her.

What's the essence of all these?

Seeing the Dreemport challenge[ Marathon Challenge] for this month of July really got me excited. What a good opportunity to be part of a newbie's journey, coaching him and her and sharing my difficult experiences, which is the best teacher in the world.

In this Marathon challenge, I'm on a powerful team called the P O W E R T E A M. It consists of three coaches and one newbie. Imagine how loaded the newbie would be after the whole experience because of these coaches.

Our banner

The Newbie [ @seunruth ]
I met this lady for the first time, cracking jokes in one of my favourite communities. Although she's a newbie, but her writing skills humbled me.

The Coaches

Anywhere you meet the word 'genius', feel free to substitute that with their names because they're just it.

I'm just me

Our Goals

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Just like I stated in the initial part of this article, the major aim is to guide our dear newbie till she's fully grounded. With our availability around her, things like breaking community rules that will attract muteness in her post will be automatically be far away from her.

It's very Normal for newbies to get discouraged along the way, especially when the pay is not coming as expected, and it's our task to make sure she doesn't fall into this category of people. In fact, if by any means we didn't see her online, we would go to her physical house. Lol😄

About Me

I'm Kingsleyy,
Someone who likes humour and open to learning.

  • You give me humour; you've given me food already.

  • You give me an invite to learn from you, You'll see my humbleness at its peak.

I'm from the Big Heart of Nigeria, where the existence of crude oil is likened to the land flowing with milk and honey.

I'm a full-time lover of sports, especially football, but I'm not the noise-making type. The only time you see me make noise( a little) is when it comes to the World Cup at all levels, both men and women, Olympic tournaments, and the Africa Cup of Nations.

Let me stop here.

Thanks for reading.

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