This Is For Me, For You & For The World

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Do you know why we still see a lot of people that are struggling to have a roof over their head every night?

What of those that only manage to have one meal a day just because they can't afford to be eating three meals?

The list of things that are going wrong in this world are endless and anyone that is in the business of pointing fingers will say that it's because;


  • The politicians are stealing public fund

  • The teachers are not teaching with the right syllabus

  • The business men are hiking price of goods.

Etc Etc

Well, I'm not in the business of pointing fingers so, instead of looking for who to blame for the things that are going wrong, let's talk about what you are ready to do in order to make life easier for the next generation

I know that nobody on Earth is too comfortable in any position that he finds himself. This is why everyone are still searching for and exploring opportunities consistently. We all are always getting involved with activities that promises to give us an improved standard of living.

You can do these things but don't get involved with any activity that will make life uncomfortable for the next generation. Don't step on people's toes. Does run from people that are in need of your assistance.

You don't need to be a president in order to make life easier for others. I also know that you don't need to give someone money before it will be seen as an act of kindness. We have a lot of bloggers here that can have a positive impact on people through the words that they outline on their posts.

Don't wait!

Start doing things that can make this world a better place for you and I.



Thanks for not missing any full-stop or comma

This is a crosspost from My Blogpage in another site.

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