Think Things Through.

I don't know the exact time I thought of this, but I'm always working with a theory which says that;

If I do anything today and regret it tomorrow, that regret will likely be the evidence that I didn't think it through before doing whatever I did.

For the record, that sounds like a really weird theory to use especially when you are speaking with someone who is drowning in regret, so, don't say it to anyone without reading the room. But, you can say that to yourself as much as you want especially before making any dicey decision in life.

You see, people say we shouldn't allow our emotions to override our reasoning when we say or do things. My experience with this shows that my chances of regretting something I said or did are always high when I allow myself to act or say anything while being overwhelmed by emotions. Acting on impulse without thinking things through can land us in all sorts of trouble.


From the moment I became aware of this, I decided to be more mindful of the things I say and do. It takes discipline, but that decision has proved to be very instrumental to my growth as a person and it has helped me to be in more control of my emotions. It has also helped in my financial management and interpersonal relationships.

This doesn't mean that I'm now living with zero regrets. It's also not a guarantee that I won't do things that can lead to regret in the future. Nonetheless, I'm sure that taking an extra second to think things through before acting or saying it will help minimize my chances of coming face-to-face with regret.

What about y'all? Do you often things through or do you act on impulse?

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