Stay inspired as you contend with life.

It has become fairly obvious that even when you are doing a job you love, there will always be a point where you will feel fairly demotivated about carrying on with your work-related activities. That demotivation can easily get in the way of your life and you will find yourself feeling weak and unenthusiastic about your work.

To be fair, it is unavoidable to experience this and it begs an important question; how can you deal with this demotivation?


If you are hard-working in the things you do, you will know how important it is to identify the things that can help you experience life in another dimension. It feels more important to identify this if you are someone that operates in the creative industry.

Someone like myself that works full-time in the creative space knows what it's like to get to a point where it feels like the creative juice in me is running low. Whenever it happens, it becomes so hard to stitch my words up into something intelligible. Trust me, it can be frustrating to be in that situation because the vast majority of my life in the last 3 years has been revolving around working with my creativity.

As they say, 'experience is the best teacher'. I don't have enough time on Earth to learn everything through my own experience. This is why I like to also learn through findings from other people's experiences.

When I experienced what many would refer to as 'Creative block', I wasn't surrounded by people who were thriving in the creative industry. That warranted that I would have to do a bunch of trial and error to identify things that can help me get out of that and reignite my creativity. It was one hell of an adventure.

I tried so many things, according to letters from some books that talk about how to escape from creative blocks. I also did some things on my own to see what can help me escape from that trap. After all said and done and from all indications, I've been able to come up with a list of things I consciously do to make sure that the spark needed to heighten my creativity will remain ignited.

As far as I can tell, my list is as follows;

  • Listening to music.

  • Taking a walk around town.

  • Listening to audio-visual podcasts.

  • Spending quality time with loved ones.

  • Reading (least favourable option. Hehe).

I genuinely think that music is a standard pathway for people to experience life differently. It's not just music. Things like watching movies, enjoying a sports game and other entertaining elements in life can make life very fulfilling when you do it sufficiently and in the right proprioception.

Basically, there can be a long list of things that will help keep us motivated as we try to contend with life. Different things works for different people. It's all about identifying what strikes a cord in you and making effort to make it a part of your routine.

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