The sixth mass extinction

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Humans have only been on earth for 200,000 years, yet our effect on the globe has been so tremendous that experts all across the world are pushing for our era in Earth's history to be dubbed the "Anthropocene" - the "Age of Humans." The changes we are now implementing have taken a tremendous toll on the natural world around us. It's critical that people recognize the significance of what we're doing. Please help spread the news.

It has now been clearly explained that the earth passing through these stages is totally natural, given that it has happened 5 times many millions of years before, except that this time it is sudden. Species are becoming extinct 100 times quicker than they would have been without human intervention. The creatures are struggling to adapt, and as a result, they are becoming extinct. Think of the miserable creatures skinned for our advantage and pleasure the next time you consider purchasing the most costly bag on the market at the moment, "Hermes."

Only five times in our planet's history have so many species and so much biodiversity been lost in such a short period of time. The fifth was the extinction of the dinosaurs. That is why scientists and conservationists refer to the current situation as the "sixth mass extinction." Some have even referred to today's loss of biodiversity as "biological annihilation."

There were less than a billion people on the planet two hundred years ago. There are 7.8 billion people on the planet now, and our population is continually expanding. According to the United Nations, unless we take action, there will be 30% more of us by 2050, and 11 billion by 2100.

Every one of us makes demands on our planet—demands that have resulted in the changes that jeopardize us and the natural environment on which we rely.

Soon, all creatures will cease to exist, and we will be the cause of their extinction.

Who or what is the main cause of this?

The main cause of the mass extinction that is happening in the present time is primarily because of us humans.

“Looking across the world at the present time it is obvious to anybody at all who has even the slightest bit of biological knowledge that human numbers are already out of balance.”
-Prof Aubrey Manning, zoologist

How are we able to take action in this matter?

Simply spreading this information to as many people as possible can be extremely beneficial.

We can take steps such as buying less, reusing and recycling more, transitioning to a plant-based diet, and making sure that what we do use and consume is as sustainable as possible.

Above all, we have the option of having smaller families.

As long as our population continues to grow, the value of any other action we take risks being canceled out by the demands and needs of new people joining the population.

Global population growth that is unsustainable is not unavoidable. According to UN projections, if we start taking action now, we can put an end to it and start reducing our numbers to a more sustainable level within the next few decades.

Complaining of wishing the world was a better place is like complaining about why the house is so messy and actually doing nothing to make it any better, instead, we just wait for someone to clean up the mess and when it's done we don't make any effort to maintaining the cleanliness. The chance of making the world a better place for us all varies directly to the number of people who wish to make a contribution to making the world a better place
(just me making use of the lesson we had in math😂)

As a human being, I respectfully request that you share this information in order to raise awareness of what is now taking place. We need mother nature. Mother Nature doesn't need us.

I guess that wraps it up for today,
Hope you guys have a great day ahead!
Peace out✌️


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Is an easy-going teenager who enjoys writing about the things she wonders and is passionate about. She writes about her life experiences and the lessons she's learned along the way on her blog. Her purpose on this platform is to share optimism, encouragement, and hopefully inspire you. She enjoys reading and writing on a regular basis, in addition to tormenting her younger sister.

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