RE: ข้อมูลเรื่องโควิท ที่ธุรกิจยาและการเมืองไม่อยากให้คนได้รับรู้, COVID Infor which Thai people may never know.

I couldn’t believe that my cousins with master degrees from American universities and high level connections all went for privileged session of jabs for those with political connections. Other relatives who are in international business also went for their jabs! I was lost for words! Rich middle class people are very afraid of dying from catching COVID!

The singers and film stars are very eager to get back to live concerts and to getting people to go back to cinemas. They had no idea that their careers are already over! AI is coming to replace them all. Very few of these people had any idea about cryptos and blockchain!

The big doctors were the best at calmly and coolly telling people to get ready for the third jab as boosters by the end of this year! They didn’t want big Pharma to lose any profits! Otherwise, the shareholders won’t give the board of directors bigger bonuses! I will never be able to trust smart looking doctors in white gowns again!

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