RE: Happy Caturday: orange cats’ routine exercise, แมวส้มออกกำลังกาย

Oh! Snakes can be quite a problem especially those big ones like cobras!! I think my cats chase all the snakes away whenever they spot them. I don’t hate snakes but I talk to them and ask them nicely to avoid our garden. We used to see big ones in the woods nearby .

My cousin is very afraid of snakes; she would scream whoever she saw pictures of snakes in magazines!! She was definitely frightened by adults’ stories about snakes. Having been in the countryside for some time, I am getting used to the big black scorpions; I would let them go free into the bush. I saw small snakes several times a year; but they are usually afraid of people and ran away fast!
We saw some bats at night too; they probably cane over from Laos. There are plenty of big pythons on the other side of the river!

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