Compras con HBD/ Shopping with HBD [ESP/ENG]

@ADDLAMR (1).png

Amigos, feliz miercoles!!/ Friends, happy Wednesday !!

Ayer tuvimos la suerte de poder realizar algunas comprar que teniamos pendientes, compras para el hogar y compras para el trabajo, gracias a Dios pudimos realizar ambas, así que les contaré un poco sobre nuestro día de compras y les compartiré los costos invertidos en ellas.

Yesterday we were lucky enough to be able to make some purchases that we had pending, purchases for the home and purchases for work, thank God we were able to do both, so I will tell you a little about our shopping day and I will share the costs invested in them.

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Para el hogar gracias a Dios no faltaba mucho, asi que nos dirigimos al supermercado a comprar café, leche, harina de trigo, medio cartón de huevos, azúcar, y algunos productos de higiene personal. En esa compra gastamos un total de 7.5$ aproximadamente, que en hbds serian unos 5 HBD, resultó realmente buena la compra, y adicional de regreso a casa pasamos comprando algo de pan, lo cual no tuvo un costo alto realmente, fueron unos 0.6$ en 6 panes tipo canilla si mal no recuerdo.

For the home, thank God, there was not much left, so we went to the supermarket to buy coffee, milk, wheat flour, half a carton of eggs, sugar, and some personal hygiene products. In that purchase we spent a total of approximately 7.5 $, which in hbds would be about 5 HBD, the purchase was really good, and on the way back home we spent buying some bread, which was not really a high cost, it was about 0.6 $ in 6 quill type breads if I remember correctly.

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En cuanto a nuestros negocios, pudimos conseguir materiales a precios convenientes, lo que nos permitió realizar una compra relativamente grande en comparación a nuestras compras de costumbre.

Regarding our businesses, we were able to obtain materials at convenient prices, which allowed us to make a relatively large purchase compared to our usual purchases.

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Para el negocio de reposteria, realizamos la compra de 40 envases para tortas, aquí gastamos un total de 13$ que al cambio serian 10 HBD. Los pasamos retirando luego de hacer la compra online, pero no nos dimos cuenta de un gran detalle, en el paquete solo habían 20 unidades, de 40, en seguida llamamos al personal para preguntar por los otros 20 y efectivamente se habían quedado en otra bolsa, lo que significo otro viaje en carro para retirarlos, lo cual no fue tan maravilloso pues el carro no posee tanta gasolina. Retiramos las 20 unidades faltantes y tachamos ese quehacer de la lista.

For the confectionery business, we made the purchase of 40 containers for cakes, here we spent a total of $ 13 that would be 10 HBD in exchange. We spent them picking them up after making the online purchase, but we did not realize a great detail, in the package there were only 20 units, of 40, immediately we called the staff to ask about the other 20 and they had effectively remained in another bag , which meant another car trip to pick them up, which was not so wonderful because the car does not have as much gasoline. We remove the 20 missing units and cross that chore off the list.

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Para nuestro negocio de arreglos, disfrutamos de hacer una compra de materiales que tanto esperabamos, aquí gastamos un total de 10$ que al cambio serian 6.8 HBD, con eso nos surtimos de cartulinas escarchadas, foamis escarchados, cartulinas escolares, 2 silicones de 60 ml, y una pintura al frio color blanco, esa compra me dejó super feliz.

For our repair business, we enjoy making a purchase of materials that we have been waiting for so long, here we spend a total of $ 10 that would be 6.8 HBD, with that we stocked with frosted cardboard, frosted foamis, school cardboard, 2 silicones of 60 ml , and a cold white paint, that purchase made me super happy.

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Haciendo un conteo total, en ese día de compras invertimos un total final de: 30.5$ que al cambio serian 21.8 HBD

Making a total count, on that shopping day we invested a final total of: $ 30.5, which at the change would be 21.8 HBD

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Paso a paso vamos obteniendo eso que tanto anhelamos, independencia económica y capacidad para ayudar en el hogar, no tenemos mas que agradecerle a Dios y agradecerles a ustedes por el apoyo constante en esta gran plataforma.

Step by step we are obtaining what we long for, financial independence and the ability to help at home, we only have to thank God and thank you for your constant support on this great platform.

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Portada elaborada en canva, emojis de bitmoji, imagenes de nuestra propiedad/ Cover made with canva, bitmoji emojis, images of our property

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