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I Believe in God!


Believing in God, at a time when humans excluded God from everything in their lives, is an act of courage.

Believing in God, in the midst of a society in which nothing is turned to God today, is 'swimming against the tide'.

Believing in God, at a time when humans have become the "God of their lifes" is revolutionary.

I believe in God. Everything in the universe requires a pure and initial act for something to be created, appear and disappear. Nothing happens from nothing. God is one of those forces (the main force) that moves and gives the initial impetus to the universe.

The fact that human beings don't want God to exist is in itself a deep desire for him to exist. You don't miss what you don't know. The human being naturally, regardless of whether he is a staunch and convinced atheist, feels the lack of God at some point in his life.

I have a friend who is an atheist who is quite convinced of his "anti God" philosophy, but at the first difficulty he cries out: "God, help me!"

It's no use wanting to show yourself self-sufficient, disbelieving in the extreme and indifferent; the human being is a being who believes in God, and this is independent of religion.

The human being is an individual who, already in his ancestral journey (in primitive man), has developed faith in a Creator who is in the sky, in nature, in the movement of the stars, in animals, in the wind, in fire.

I believe in God. He's inside me, he's inside you. He is always ready to listen to us, we just need humility, just let go of our ego. Putting all that aside, it is possible to understand and see that yes, God exists.

Source IMG