Where did all the developers go?

EOS and a couple other projects see huge drops in developer activity...

Is the coronavirus pandemic impacting more industries than we initially expected, or are people just moving on from some projects?

EOS was hailed at being the Ethereum killer.

It was supposed to do everything that Ethereum can do, but better.

That is all well and good except that the developer activity is falling off a cliff for EOS...

The following is the percentage change in developers building on each project over the last 12 months:

(Source: https://outlierventures.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/OV-Blockchain-Dev-Q2-2020-4.pdf)

As you can see, EOS has seen a decline of more than 80% in developer activity in the last 12 months.

EOS may be in trouble...

Supporters of EOS will likely say that they launched their main net roughly a year ago, so the development activity they were seeing at that time was unusually high.

And when you start from an unusually high number, of course the numbers are going to look bad as they regress more towards the mean...

However, that isn't entirely the case...

EOS has continued to see less and less developer activity basically month by month...

Check this out:


(Source: https://outlierventures.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/OV-Blockchain-Dev-Q2-2020-4.pdf)

Apart from one brief spike back in August of last year, it's basically been down every single month.

That isn't what you want to see from an investor point of view and doesn't inspire confidence in terms of the possibility of long term value creation.

The bummer in all of this is that they only included the Top 12 projects in those rankings above...

It would be interesting to see where HIVE stacks up.

Yes, HIVE is new and there was a ton of excitement surrounding it right out of the gate, but I also have a feeling it will continue to see a lot development even as the months drag on.

There is a lot more info regarding the development activities surrounding these 12 projects and worth the read if you get the chance.

The report can be found here:


Stay informed my friends.


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