Adulthood: the worst hood


Life is so wonderful and so disastrous at the same time, a real roller coaster, when you think you are going up quite high it is because a fall is approaching where you think you are not going to get out of it alive but you do.

Today I was hanging out with my aunt, the two of us went for a walk and ate at a random McDonald's, remembering those old times when I was a teenager and taking those types of outings was something trivial. We started talking about so many things that my mind began to understand all the events of the past, certainly some things you don't understand until you become an adult and go through something similar, and despite the fact that we were not all a perfect family, today we have been honest and taken a look at the past and recognized certain things, I imagine it must not have been easy to reach a point of recognizing your own mistakes, which was partly due to previous upbringing, and among so much conversation I started to think about my mother because she made me see that my mother is surely going through the same process, especially because I was very close to her, I walked everywhere with my mother, our bond was different but a bond.

Today was a day of understanding, learning, love and a lot of nostalgia, that feeling of wanting to go to the house where you grew up, being there for a few moments, giving your mother a hug to gain strength and return to the world again, being adults is not an easy task.

La vida es tan maravillosa y tan desastrosa al mismo tiempo, una auténtica montaña rusa, cuando crees que vas subiendo bastante alto es porque se acerca una caída donde crees que no vas a salir vivo de ella pero sí lo haces.

Hoy estuve compartiendo con mi tía, nosotras dos salimos a dar una caminata y comimos en un Mcdonald's cualquiera, recordando aquellos viejos tiempos de cuando yo era una adolescente y hacer ese tipo de salidas era algo trivial. Nos pusimos a hablar de tantas cosas que mi mente fue entendiendo todos los eventos del pasado, ciertamente algunas cosas no las comprendes sino hasta que te haces adulto y pasas por algo similar, y de que a pesar no todos fuimos una familia perfecta, hoy en día hemos sido honestos y echado una mirada al pasado y reconocido ciertas cosas, me imagino no debió haber sido facil poder llegar un punto de reconocer tus propios errores que en parte fue por la crianza anterior, y entre tanta conversación me puse a pensar en mi madre porque ella me hizo ver qué mi madre seguramente estará pasando un proceso igual, sobretodo porque yo era muy pegada con ella, yo con mi mamá caminaba para todos lados, nuestro vínculo era diferente pero vínculo al fin.

Hoy fue un día de entendimiento, de aprendizaje, de amor y de mucha nostalgia, ese sentimiento de querer ir a la casa que te vio crecer, estar ahí unos instantes darle un abrazo a tu madre para tomar fuerzas y volver al mundo otra vez, ser adultos no es una tarea fácil.

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