Silence at the Lake

6 minutes and 27 seconds from the boring life of a landscape photographer in the early morning.

Silent Sunrise
Lake Wörthersee . Carinthia

Did I say "boring"?

OK, some of you might think getting up at 4:30 in the morning and waiting alone in the dark at a lake for the sun to rise must be very boring. But no, it isn't boring at all and even though I have had this experience a lot of times before it is always amazing to witness the awakening of the nature.
If you ask me if I prefer sunrises or sunsets, the answer is easy for me: there's nothing better than sunrises 😎

Even if there was not the smallest cloud on the sky, the colors in the sky were beautiful.

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
ISO 100 . f/10 . 5 sec . @200 mm

Did I say Silent?

Well, somehow the title "Silent ..." is not correct, because there was quite some noise. About one hundred meters out of sight on the left side there is a small island called "Kapuzinerinsel" which seems to be full of birds of all kinds, and they just woke up all together I think ;)
I didn't have the external microfone with me, so the sound was recorded by the internal mic only, otherwise there would many more bird sounds to hear in the video.

I would recommend watching this video only if you are not already tired and with the volume turned up.

If the video does not play: < click here to watch the video on YouTube >

Right behind my spot there is a road which is usually already quite busy at this early time of the day. Of course there have been 4 or 5 cars driving by in the 1.5 hours I have been there and I think I have also heard an airplane far away, but can you see contrails in the sky? The sky is clean - the air is cleaner than ever before and all you can hear is nature.

It's sad to have to say something like that, but I will surely miss this peaceful silence everywhere when the Corona virus measures are loosened or even canceled.

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
ISO 100 . f/10 . 4 sec . @70 mm

So, with this lovely poem from George Cooper I will end my today's post and wish you all a nice rest of the day and evening.

Birdie's Morning Song

Wake up, little darling, the birdies are out,
And here you are still in your nest!
The laziest birdie is hopping about;
You ought to be up with the rest.
Wake up, little darling, wake up!

Oh, see what you miss when you slumber so long —
The dewdrops, the beautiful sky!
I can not sing half what you lose in my song;
And yet, not a word in reply.
Wake up, little darling, wake up!

I've sung myself quite out of patience with you,
While mother bends o'er your dear head;
Now birdie has done all that birdie can do:
Her kisses will wake you instead!
Wake up, little darling, wake up!

by George Cooper

There's just one last thing I have to say:

Stay at home, take care and stay healthy!


Location / Standort: Wörthersee Teixlbucht

All photos were shot with the Canon EOS R and the Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM lens.
I have also used my Haida M10 filter system with the 0.9 graduated ND filter and the CPL filter.

I leave all EXIF and IPTC information stored in the pictures.

If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or maybe you want to share my post on your blog 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so that you never miss a post from me.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,

Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission

[//]:# (!pinmapple 46.621724 lat 14.143667 long 20200407-Woerthersee-Sunrise d3scr)
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