The Lake // STORY - RELATO

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Mark opened his eyes, everything was spinning and he was confused. He couldn't get up, he was tied up. He looked around and saw his two friends, Peter and Jonas. Also tied up. He didn't remember how they got there. It looked like a workshop. A big table was full of tools.

Mark's friends moved, they were waking up and babbling asked what had happened. What is this? Where are we? None of them knew the answer. Jonas said the last thing he remembered was Jinx's Tavern. The place they went every weekend to have fun. All the young men in town always gathered at the tavern to get drunk.

The three boys would try to get untied but it was impossible. They were very well tied hand and foot. Besides, they had almost no strength. Peter deduced that they had been drugged. It wasn't normal for them to feel weak. They were working on cutting down trees for a company that was based in the village. I look everywhere. He saw a piece of sharp metal peeled into the wooden wall. Mark was the closest. He told him to do his best to get closer so he could try to break the rope.

He had a few minutes rubbing the rope with the sharp metal, when the door opened abruptly. The three young men saw an obese woman in front of them. She had hard features, about 45 years old. Despite her fatness, she was moving quite fast. Who the hell are you? Let us go right now! Untie us now! He demanded annoyance, Peter. The giant woman gave him a blow that blew out his lips.

Jonas watched the woman in detail. He remembered her. She was in the kitchen of the tavern. You're Jinx's cook! What the hell are you doing? Didn't you spill something on the food last night? Help, please help! The woman was calm. She went over to the lady. She grabbed a small axe and then buried it in the leg of the young man who was desperately trying to help. She kept screaming, you little shit! But in pain. Said the woman, watching the blood flow from her leg.


Mark abrió los ojos, todo le daba vueltas y parecia confundido. No podia levantarse, estaba atado. Miro alrededor y vio a sus dos amigos, Peter y Jonas. Tambien atados. No recordaba como llegaron a ese lugar. Parecia un taller con una mesa grande repleta de herramientas.

Los amigos de Mark se movieron, estaban despertándose y preguntaron que habia sucedido. ¿Qué esto? ¿Dónde estamos? Ninguno sabía la respuesta. Jonas dijo que lo último que recordaba era la Taberna de Jinx. Lugar al que asistían todos los fines de semana para divertirse. Todos los jóvenes del pueblo siempre se reunian en la taberna para emborracharse.

Los tres chicos intentaban desatarse pero era imposible. Estaban muy bien atados de pies y manos. Ademas, no tenían casi fuerzas. Peter dedujo que los habían drogado. No era normal que se sintieran débiles. Trabajaban en el talado de arboles en el pueblo. Miro por todos lados. Vio un trozo de metal afilado peagado en la pared de madera. Mark era quien estaba mas cerca. Le dijo que hiciera lo posible por acercarse para intentar romper la cuerda.

Tenía unos minutos frotando la atadura con el metal afilado, cuando la puerta se abrió bruscamente. Los tres jóvenes vieron delante de ellos a una obesa mujer. Tenia rasgos duros, aprentaba 45 años de edad. A pesar de su gordura, se movia bastante rápido. ¿Quién coño eres? ¡Sueltanos ahora mismo!¡Desatanos ya! Exigia molesto Peter. La gigantesca mujer le dio un golpe que le revento los labios.

Jonas observo con detalle. La recordaba. Ella estaba en la cocina de la taberna. ¡Eres la cocinera de Jinx! ¿Qué demonos estas haciendo? ¿Nos pusiste algo en la comida de anoche? ¡Auxilio, por favor, ayuda! La mujer estaba calmada. Ella se acerco a la mesa. Agarro una pequeña hacha y la enterro en la pierna del joven que pedia desesperadamente ayuda. ¡Continua gritando pequeña basura! Pero de dolor. Dijo la mujer, contemplando como brotaba la sangre de la pierna.

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The fear was palpable in the other boys. Mark took advantage of the fact that the crazy woman wasn't looking at him, to put more pressure on the metal edge. He felt the rope break. He took a deep breath, got up, managed to grab a piece of wood that was lying next to the table and hit his captor. The obese piscopata fell to the ground, the blow was supposed to have stunned her.

She quickly untied Peter and Jonas. Jonas needed help to stand up. The wound was very painful. The stranger who kidnapped them was recovering from the blow and her eyes were filled with hatred. They left the stable and went into the woods. They were not strong enough to face the madwoman. They could only hide and try to get to a safe place. They walked as fast as their weakened bodies would allow.

Inside the stable, the woman cleaned her wound from the blow with the white dress she was wearing. She did so by taking the time to do so. She had broken his head. She laughed heartily, seemed to be enjoying herself. With the bloody dress and an axe in her hand, she left for the forest. He would follow the blood trail that Jonas' wound left.

They were deep in the forest. They walked without stopping for about half an hour. Terrified and without the strength to continue they hid from the use of thick trees. Jonas stopped moving, he had lost a lot of blood. The wound was deep and deadly. His friends saw him die.

They tried to keep quiet. But the killer found them easily. They heard his spasos against the leaves covering the forest floor. Why are you doing this? Who are you, you fat creep? She ripped the buttons off her dress, exposing her breasts. In the middle, she had a healed wound, produced by a shotgun. On her neck, hung a chain with a symbol, three eagles flying. It was at that moment that it all made sense to Mark and Peter.

El miedo se hizo palpable en los otros chicos. Mark hizo más presión contra el filo de metal. Sintio romperase la cuerda. Respiro profundamente, se levanto, logro agarrar una lámina de madera que reposaba junto a la mesa y propino un golpe a su captora. La obesa piscopata cayo al suelo, el golpe parecia haberla aturdido.

Rapidamente desato a Peter y Jonas. Este ultimo necesitaba ayuda parapodersostenerse en pie.La herida era muy dolorosa. La extraña que los secuestro, se estaba recuperando del golpe y sus ojos tienian una miradade odio. Salieron de establo y se internaron en el bosque. No tenían fuerzas suficientes para enfrentarse a la demente. Solo podían esconder e intentar llegar a un lugar seguro. Caminaban lo más rápido que permitian sus debilitados cuerpos.

Dentro del establo, la mujer se limpiabala herida del golpe con el vestido blanco que tenia puesto. Lo hacia tomandose el tiempo necesario. Le habian roto la cabeza. Reia, parecía estar divirtiéndose. Con el vestido ensangrentado y un hacha en la mano, partió rumbo al bosque. Seguiria el rastro de sangre que dejaba la herida de Jonas.

Estaban en lo profundo del bosque. Caminaron sin parar media hora. Aterrados y sin fuerzas para continuar se escondieron detrar de uso gruesos arboles. Jonas dejo de moverse, habia perdido mucha sangre. La herida fue profunda y mortífera. Sus amigos lo vieron morir.

Intentaron no hacer ruido. Pero la asesina los encontró fácilmente. Escucharon su spasos contra las hojas que cubrían el suelo del bosque. ¿Por qué haces esto? ¿Quién eres gorda asquerosa? Ella arranco los botones del vestido, dejando al descubierto sus pechos. En el medio, tenia una gran cicatriz, producida por una herida de escopeta. En su cuello, una cadena con un símbolo, tres águilas volando. Fue en ese momento que todo tuvo sentido para Mark y Peter.

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They remembered everything. Two years had passed. The three friends camped out on a lake three miles outside of town. They planned to get drunk all last night, but Peter had brought drugs he bought on his last trip to town, carrying wood for the company. They saw a fire on the other side of the lake. They walked to the place and saw a family. A fourteen year old teenager was standing in front of the fire, close by was the girl's father. He was cleaning some fish to prepare them for dinner. Inside the carp there was someone sleeping.

Under the effects of the drug, they looked for the shotgun they had in the truck and returned to the site of the fire. Attack quickly. They unloaded a shot in the man's head. The tent moved, they aimed inwards and pulled the trigger. With the adults killed. They subdued the teenager, raped her multiple times. The girl tried to escape, but Mark caught up with her and drowned her head in the lake. She had a chain around her neck with the symbol of the three eagles in flight.

The fat woman who kidnapped them was the one inside the tent. She survived the shot in the chest. She was found by rabbit hunters from the next town. She was just a child, she told them before she raised the axe to make the final blow.

Lo recordaron todo. Habian pasado dos años. Los tres amigos acamparon en un lago ubicado a cinco kilómetros del pueblo. Pensaban emborracharse toda la noche, pero Peter habia llevado droga que compro en su ultimo viaje a la ciudad, altrasportar madera para la empresa. Vieron una fogata del otro lado del lago. Caminaron hasta llegar al luga y vieron a una familia. Una adolescente de catorce años estaba frente a la fogata, cerca estaba el padre de la niña. Estaba limpiando unos pescados para prepararlos y cenar. Dentro de la carpa habia alguien durmiendo.

Bajo los efectos de la droga, buscaron la escopeta en la camioneta y regresaron hasta el lugar de la fogata. Atacaron rápido. Descargaron un disparo en la cabeza del hombre. La carpa se movio, apuntaron hacia el interior y jalaron el gatillo. Con los adultos fulminados. Sometieron a la adolescente, la violaron multiples veces. La chica intento escapar, peor Mark la alcanzo y hundió su cabeza en el lago hasta ahogarla. En el cuello tenia la cadena con el símbolo de las tres águilas en vuelo.

La obesa mujer que los secuestro, era la que estaba dentro de la carpa. Sobrevivio al disparo en el pecho. La encontraron unos cazadores de conejos del pueblo vecino. Era solo una niña, les dijo antes de levantar el hacha para dar la estocada final.

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