Why is Hive GOOD for Kids?

These days, since childhood, people have been told that all cryptos are scams. They've believed this mainstream lie until adulthood. They don't even try to research it themselves or for their own children.

Today, I'd like to talk about kids on Hive. Could Hive really change a kids life and bring them success? Can it teach them more about the outside world and help them to create a better life for themselves?


Whenever the opportunity comes, I try to tell kids about Hive. About a week ago, I told a friend about Hive and he doesn't live too far away from me. I showed him a little bit about the blockchain and he took a look at my "Estimated Account Value" in my wallet. He goes "OMG, THAT'S A NEW iPHONE IN THERE!".
He gave me his contact info since he has now moved away so we hoped I could walk him through signing up, but has never created a Hive account. (As far as I know).

My point was, that at some point the parents find out the child is blogging and independently earning cryptos. Their cognitive dissonance kicks in and discourages them from starting their business until the child basically stops posting.

Why is Hive GOOD for kids and their future? 😀

I believe that trying to convince brainwashed adults is of no use. Teaching their kids that they can master their talents by doing what they love and help their future and/or a business in many ways, would be very beneficial to them. It can pass down in further generations. Who knows, maybe Hive will have an important role in time...


Scroll further, I have created a list/guide on how to get kids started on the blockchain and how they can find success..

Simple steps on how to bring your kids to Hive!

  • First, create an account on HIVE

Of course, let them create an account by signing up if they haven't already. In my opinion, HiveOnboard is a good place to begin. Later on, they can make their very first post! Say hello to everyone, explore and hashtag that post with #introduceyourself . :)

  • What are their hobbies, or main interests in life? What are their Hive posts going to be about?

Seeking their talents is a great way to start posting. What do you like? It could be anything, gaming, animation, photography, life blogs, gardening, homesteading, nature, surfing, poems, stories, literature, needlework, music, farming, prepping, interviewing, vlogs, conspiracies, arts and crafts, podcasting like on Cast.Garden, art, drawing, or simply watching/creating cartoons on BeeToons.tv! Try to keep it friendly for everyone. ;)

  • Connect with Communities, people and other Hive kids

There are so many Communities, I bet there's something they'll enjoy! Also connecting with other people and kids creates bonding. It can be through comments, or simply supporting each other back and forth.

Here are some awesome Hive kids that are already doing great and are worth being supported more with their content and cool personalities.

To name a few:

@duel-master, @legomaster, @naniplayergamer, @srey-yuu, @sakana, @surfgrrl, @apanamakid, @steemean, @dragokazo, @esteban-luna and more!

Hey mommies and daddies, Hive is great for kids! It teaches finance, reading, writing, grammar, creating, image/media editing, spelling and punctuation.

@soyanafuentes @taliakerch @romeskie @emmaris @missdeli @thatsweeneyguy @albuslucimus @trostparadox @leidimarc @victoriabsb @elizabeths14 @leomarylm @foovler @noalys @theycallmedan @josuemonterola @jackdeathblack @raymondspeaks

Keep being awesome! 😊😊😊

  • Encourage your kids

They're now blogging and thriving! Have faith that they can keep going strong. They can take pictures and/or video of what they do to post. I believe we can grow Hive this way.
Here are some ideas for your children on how to start writing:

Why do you like your hobby so much? How did you start? Is there anything that inspires you? Do you believe it can benefit your life in the long-term? Write your thoughts, ideas, hopes, inspiration and questions... Let Hive grow, together as a community. 😀

Who am I?

Hey! I'm Jade! Moderator of the Kidz Community and host of BeeToons.tv. I want to encourage other kids to use Hive as it might be a good thing for everyone to move forward. As a kid, as well. :)


Thank you for viewing this post, I hope you enjoyed it and have a nice day!

If any mommies or daddies are reading this, maybe, give it a chance.. :)


Please like, share and comment below, let's make this world a better place! 😄😄😄


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