Managing the D.Buzz Platform. (A New Roll and Assignment)


Managing the D.Buzz platform.
(A New Roll and Assignment)

Hey blogging friends, what's good.

I hope you all been great, and I do apologize for not posting for a while (there goes my monthly blogger badge, again, :/ darn). But I do have a good reason for the delay in posting.

I've been working with the D.Buzz @dbuzz microblog team for over a year now. Pretty much writing one article a day for them since I started. This along with doing graphics, helping with management responsibilities, and organizing different things, has been one of my main source of income and work.

Last month, my friend and colleague at D.Buzz @chrisrice departed the D.Buzz project to pursue other personal endeavors, and I do wish Chris well on his new path in life. 💗 👍

I mentioned him a few times in my various posts, and he is one of the reasons why I stayed on Steem then Hive, and the reason I started to work at D.Buzz. Chris was also one of the project lead on

With Chris's departure I was asked to step up into the management role at D.Buzz. Given my experience with the project, my previous experience working in video games and film, my experience in running a circus, along with the marketing/organization/leadership, that goes with that, they felt I was a worthy successor.

I am deeply humbled and honored to be stepping in this position.

For the last several weeks I have been taking on the extra workload of organizing the development team, sorting out where we are at, looking at what sort of pathway we can take forward, and in general trying to reorient D.Buzz to serve its community, better.


Where do I see D.Buzz going?

First off is to honor and hold true to the core ethics, of protecting freedom of speech. D.Buzz was founded with this idea in mind, and we have to orient the platform, to have a neutral stance on controversial topics, no matter how difficult it may be. This has been challenging for me at times (* NO THE EARTH IS NOT FLAT... but I do have to respect others rights to think and post what they want).

Secondly, to connect and keep building our community. Currently D.Buzz has a decent number of daily users, but I think we can have more if we offer tools, and features, that can separate D.Buzz from other front and services. We are not just a "lite" front end for short form content, no, microblogging has the potential to really do a whole lot, without saying that much. There are several ideas were working to implement behind-the-scenes, to make D.Buzz a unique solution for many needs you may not know you even have yet.

The next thing we are working to develop is a monetization stream for the project.

Currently we have a financier who has been funding the development of this project since its inception. While funding is secured for development for an extended period of time, it's about high time that D.Buzz starts to walk on its own and expand its team with its own source of income. (* Got to leave the nest at some point baby bird).

The big question then is how to do this without selling out. And again, there are several ideas were working on to achieve this outcome.

  • If you have any solutions the above questions hit me up, I would welcome a conversation with you.


Some of the biggest challenges we face

  1. Connection and reaching out to a larger audience. Increasing the D.Buzz user base has been an issue, this issue has also in some ways the same for Hive. Onboarding users and getting brand awareness to the masses, without spending a small fortune. How to do this?

  2. Changing the stigma surrounding short form content. There are those on Hive who feel short form content, is... Not as valuable as long form, and posts should not receive Hive tokens. How do we educate people into seeing the value that short form content brings, How do we change naysayers, into advocates for microblogging?

  3. Scaling the development team with talent. We do have an awesome team already! The question is how do we identify and find additional members, who carry that same badge of awesomeness with them. Who understand blockchain projects and moreover, Hive blockchain projects. There are just not that many developers like this... Who are somewhat affordable.

  4. On a Personal front, while I do find leadership exciting, I do enjoy lifting people up, and helping them find strength in life, I personally have to work on balancing life and work, to find that path for myself. I do have a tendency to dive into things a little bit deep.

Summary :

I am honored to be bestow this new title, and excited to work with people in the community, and to discover new opportunities for collaborations on creative endeavors. Let's build this together!

If you have ideas, feel free to reach out to me and say hi. Most times I am on the D.Buzz Discord HERE, under the username jacuzzi#5037.

  • Cheers




Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow


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