Hot Coals (Freewrite Challenge)

Source: Pixabay

Opened my eyes while still in bed. I smiled as it might be a great morning. I can smell the aroma coming from the outside. In my mind, my mother is preparing the hot coals for barbecue. The aroma of the meat with its smoke is enticing that I am very excited to eat.

I postponed my excitement. Took some snooze, and in my vivid dream is the delicious barbecue on the table along with hot chocolate. I know it's just a dream but I think it's the effect of the supposed barbecue being grilled by my mother outside.

I got up from bed, and I wanted to take easy. Smiling as I go down the stairs, went to the sink to gargle. Took some hot water, but we only have instant coffee, so I made one. Went to the table, and opened the dish. I was shocked, it's fried fish. I lost my appetite, and I was thinking, am I just dreaming of the barbecue? But I can smell the aroma, the smoke. I went outside the house, and there I saw our neighbor happily barbecuing.

I just laughed, and ate the food on the table. I know I have to be content on what's prepared. The food that was prepared is still a blessing, and the fruit of my parents' hardwork.

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