Relatos de parejas.|Stories of couples.[esp-eng]




Allá a lo lejos en aquella esquina, en la misma que nos vimos, en la misma que nos conocimos y en la misma que nos confesamos, hoy termina, hoy acaba, sin remedio ni remordimiento, los años juntos se agradecen, se valoran y serán recordados, pero el futuro juntos no nos quiere y tu te has adelantado.

Far away in that corner, in the same corner where we met, where we met and where we confessed, today ends, today ends, without remedy or remorse, the years together are appreciated, valued and will be remembered, but the future together does not want us and you have anticipated.

En otros labios encontraste la miel que en mi boca terminó, solo quedaban restos de hiel, esa amarga que provocó tu desamor, mis brazos se volvieron fríos y ya no te daban calor, no los necesitabas lo sé, en sus brazos había tanto fuego que mi hielo se evaporaba sin remedio.

On other lips you found the honey that ended in my mouth, there were only traces of gall, that bitter one that caused your heartbreak, my arms became cold and they no longer gave you heat, you did not need them I know, in his arms there was so much fire that my ice was hopelessly evaporating.

En aquella esquina donde todo inició hoy acaba, las palabras no hacen falta lo veo en tu mirada, lo que antes había hoy ya no queda nada, sin embargo no hay rencor, tendrás lo que mereces y esa definitivamente no soy yo, será aquella, esa que se llevó tu corazón.

In that corner where everything started today ends, words are not necessary I see it in your eyes, what was there before today there is nothing left, however there is no resentment, you will have what you deserve and that is definitely not me, it will be that one, the one that took your heart away.


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