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Lots of Hearts / My simple art

Not to sure why, ever since I encounter Love in my life, I love to see hearts. Heart-shaped pillow, heart-shaped pendant. Literally, anything heart-shaped. I had never loved red or pink or purple until I met Love. My entire person changed. So was my wardrobe. From gloomy black, brown Tshirts and tops to flowery, pink, red, purple tops. And even pants. Well, I guess. Love does changes life. Love never fails. Love adds colours to my life.

Recently, with the hype of NFT in the crypto space, I somehow plunged myself into it too. Although, I am not a professional artist, I love to express myself with drawings and colours. I do not care if there are people who judge my art. I even do not mind if people commented ugly, I will not be sad. This is because I am using art and craft as a tool of expression plus destressed. I honestly do not mind any kind of remark. Everyone has different view on art. One may like this type and doesn't like another type. Another might love a piece which is hated by the other. Hence, art.

To cut the chase, I minted my perler beads craft at and then I started some simple down-to-earth kindergarten level kind of motivational pun doodle. Then, recently, I wanted to do heart art. Changing heartaches into heart art. Just hope the art cheers people up. I don't will they perform this purpose but at least, I try.

Check them out!

Lovey-dovey love love

I used to journal alot during my college life but stopped entirely when I entered working world. This reminded me alot of my journal book. Lots of doodles and colours. In this one, you can tell, I just drew those simple love-related stuffs. Perfect for Valentine's Day card, isn't it?

Planting love

I am a firm believer of planting love to reap love. If you don't reap love from others, at least you get to love yourself deeply to the extent you become so secure and wholesome. This art is basically expressing planting the seeds of love and out of it, the tree of love will grow. This art was abit carelessly ruined as I accidentally dropped one of the markers on one of the hearts. I tried rescuing it using liquid papers but you still see the 'scar'. Oh well, I still minted it anyway.

Bloom with love.

This is the simplest version among all. More towards the cartoonic feel, the feeling of blooming with love is like flower or plant who stands tall and confident, looking up with joy and smile. And of course floating love balloons.

Abstract love

This was done when I was too bored and had silly ideas. The boys were doing the art as well, so I thought to join them, using all the 48 markers to simply drawn love here and there. Halfway drawing, my eldest asked me to close my eyes while choosing the colours and then drawing the hearts, to see how ugly would it turn out. He said this is really ugly unique abstract. Lol....

Told you, I don't mind even if you criticise my art. Because seriously, beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. So, any ugly art your spotted here? I LOVE LOVE LOVE the first one.

Oh yes, if you are interested on minting your art or photos as NFTs, do check out and Buckle seatbelt to plunge into it like I do. Great platform to reward even noob artist like me. šŸ¤£

I will talk more on at my another blog.

ā¤ļøLove from meā¤ļø