[ENG-ESP] My family and I received the Covid-19 vaccine! // Mi familia y yo recibimos la vacuna contra la covid-19! - by @heypuch

Hello Hive friends! I have seen that @canelarecetas uploaded this post telling us how was her vaccination against covid-19, and how my family and I have been vaccinated (finally) this week I am going to tell you a little about our experience and answer the questions that she already answered What are they usually done when they find out that you got vaccinated

Hola amigos de Hive! he visto que @canelarecetas subio éste post contadonos como fue su vacunacion contra la covid-19, y como mi familia y yo nos hemos vacunado (por fin) ésta semana voy a contarles un poco de nuestra experiencia y responder las preguntas que ella respondió ya que son las que usualmente te realizan al enterarse que te vacunaste

[ESP-ENG] Me vacuné contra el covid-19 y estas fueron mis reacciones 😞 I got vaccinated against covid-19 and these were my reactions 😞

I live in Buenos Aires- Argentina and vaccination against covid-19 began at the end of December only for essential medical personnel.
Then they were enabling the shifts for people over 80, 70, and 60 years old. Finally, a very short time ago the vaccination for those over 50 began, and that's where my parents joined the group! To my surprise, they began to call people over 18 years of age who have health problems and are a risk factor. In the list of diseases were diabetes, hypertension, lung disease, immunosuppressed and obesity. I am an obese person, so I signed up in the system and in two days they notified me that my vaccination was scheduled for Tuesday 8/6! so in the same week my parents and I were vaccinated. We all receive the Covishield vaccine from AstraZeneca-Oxford.

Luego fueron habilitando los turnos para mayores de 80,70, y 60 años. Finalmente hace muy poco tiempo comenzó la vacunacion para mayores de 50, y ahi entraron mis padres en el conjunto! para sorpresa mia comenzaron a llamar a mayores de 18 años que tengan problemas de salud y sean factor de riesgo. En la lista de enfermedades estaban diabetes, hipertension, enfermades pulmonares, inmunosuprimidos y obesidad. Yo soy una persona obesa, asi que me anoté en el sistema y en dos dias me notificaron que mi vacunacion estaba programada para el martes 8/6! asi que en una misma semana fuimos vacunados mis padres y yo. Todos recibimos la vacuna Covishield de AstraZeneca-Oxford.


How did you manage to get vaccinated? // ¿Cómo hiciste para lograr vacunarte?

The health ministry created an app for the cell phone called "VacunatePBA" and there with the data of your National Identity Document (DNI) and some personal data along with a questionnaire you would register in the vaccination system. There was a list of diseases to write down if you suffered from them so you were classified as a risk patient. For this reason, my father registered as hypertensive and I as obese. And that's how you contact us to get vaccinated! They also called my mother, who did not suffer from any disease, since she was for people over 50 and over 18 with risk factors.

El ministerio de salud creó una app para el celular llamada "VacunatePBA" y allí con los datos de tu Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) y algunos datos personales junto a un cuestionario te inscribias en el sistema para la vacunacion. Habia una lista de enfermedades para anotar si las padecias asi eras catalogado como paciente de riesgo. Por ese motivo mi padre se anotó como hipertenso y yo como persona obesa. Y asi fue como nos contactarnos para vacunarnos! a mi madre que no padecia ninguna enfermedad tambien la llamaron ya que era para mayores de 50 años y mayores de 18 años con factores de riesgo.


Does the vaccine hurt? // ¿La vacuna duele?

The truth is, speaking from my experience and gathering information from acquaintances who have already been vaccinated, I can assure you that the puncture does not hurt at all, I think that an insect bite is more painful! But speaking of symptoms, I can say that my parents had a very bad time. Both that same day they felt pain in their arm, fever, fatigue, and severe headaches and body aches. The typical symptoms of covid-19 so it is nothing to worry since it is the vaccine acting, but they really felt a lot of pain! I only felt pain in my arm that night and the next day, and some fatigue, nothing more. Many acquaintances also vaccinated with Covishield agreed on their symptoms, whereas those vaccinated with Sputnik V did not have any symptoms.

La verdad hablando desde mi experiencia y recolectando infromacion de conocidos ya vacunos puedo asegurar que el pinchazo no duele para nada, creo que la picadura de un insecto es mas doloroso! pero hablando de sintomas puedo decir que mis padres la pasaron muy mal. Ambos ese mismo dia sintieron dolor en su brazo, fiebre, cansancio y fuertes dolores corporales y de cabeza. Los tipicos sintomas de covid-19 asi que no es nada para preocuparse ya que es la vacuna actuando, pero realmente sintieron mucho dolor! Yo solo sentí dolor en el brazo esa noche y el dia siguiente, y algo de cansancio, nada mas. Muchos conocidos tambien vacunados con Covishield coincidieron en sus sintomas, en cambio los vacunados con Sputnik V no tuvieron ningun sintoma.


And for those who wonder, should I get vaccinated? // Y para los que se preguntan ¿Debo vacunarme?

It is something difficult to say since everyone is free to do and undo with their body what they want, but the truth is that I believe that collective vaccination is very necessary, since between all of us we are going to ensure that the virus continues to spread but lowering the mortality rate, since the vaccine does not prevent the virus, it does not generate immunity but rather antibodies. and it seems to me that it is a good beginning of the end against this virus.

Es algo dificil de decir ya que cada uno es libre de hacer y deshacer con su cuerpo lo que quiera, pero la verdad que creo que es muy necesaria la vacunacion colectiva, ya que entre todos vamos a lograr que el virus siga contagiando pero bajando la tasa de mortalidad, ya que la vacuna no evita el virus no genera inmunidad sino anticuerpos. y me parece que es un buen comienzo del fin contra este virus.

And now the last question in which I am going to repeat the aforementioned "If I get vaccinated am I already immune and can I live the crazy life?" NOOOOO. The vaccine does not generate IMMUNITY, you can still catch COVID and infect someone else. What the vaccine does is prepare you for the virus and that the symptoms are not serious, but you should still wear a mask, avoid close contacts, take care of yourself and others! It is incredible how people stopped taking care of themselves for a while, the Argentine health system is COLLAPSED that means that if you, who do not take care of yourself, get sick, you will not have a place to care for you, and I am not talking only about covid , but of any illness or accident that you have suffered. Please, take care of yourself, take care of your loved ones, if we all commit ourselves we will end this nightmare faster.

y ahora la ultima pregunta en la que voy a repetir lo anteriormente mencionado "¿Si me vacuno ya estoy inmune y puedo vivir la vida loca?" NOOOOO. La vacuna no genera INMUNIDAD, aun puedes contagiarte covid y contagiar a alguien mas. Lo que hace la vacuna es prepararte para el virus y que los sintomas no sean graves, pero aun debes usar tapaboca, evitar contactos estrechos, cuidarte y cuidar a los demas! Es increible como la gente ya hace un tiempo dejó de cuidarse, el sistema de salud de argentina esta COLAPSADO eso significa que si tu, que no te cuidas, te enfermas no vas a tener un lugar donde atenderte, y no estoy hablando solo de covid, sino de ninguna enfermedad o accidente que hayas padecido. Por favor, cuidate, cuiada a tus seres queridos, si todos nos comprometemos vamos a terminar mas rapido con esta pesadilla.

Thank you very much for reading my post!
a kiss and a hug, heypuch.

Muchas gracias por leer mi post! un beso y un abrazo, heypuch.
todas las fotos son de mi autoria.
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