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No one can categorically choose between advanced medicine or traditional medicine because they come in handy depending on a persons choice. The true fact is that, be it advanced or traditional they have all served their various means of healing particular ailments. For me, the severity of the situation determines whatever I am going for if it is something beyond my knowledge I will definitely go for advanced medicine but if it is something that I know natural remedies can cure I simply do some holistic approach to promote healing. Although, it is funny that in the 21st century some people are still oblivious of the fact that not all amen can be cured using traditional medicine but they have to seek for advanced medical health.

The problem especially in a third world country like Nigeria, is the fact that the government has relegated advanced medicine to the background to the extent that to get great medical attention one has to visit the private hospitals which are expensive and far away from the reach of the masses or the poor. There are several ailments that need medical attention such as appendicitis, blood loss and so on which requires immediate surgical attention because no herbs or traditional remedies has been known to cure this problems.

Why advanced medicine is necessary traditional helps is also in necessity to improve our daily lifestyle. For instance in a country where women are prone to health risk that affect their uterus and reproductive system not everyone can afford the expensive surgery is and Hi-Tech intervention to remove cases such as fibroids, cyst PCO and so on. Hence women subscribe to a holistic approach to reduceing the symptoms of this benign tumors which includes heavy bleeding, anemia, frequent headache, discharge, pain below the abdomen, etc. Different testimonials across the world this holistic approach which includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating of vegetables and fruits, taking herbs such as ginger, garlic oregano, tumeric, cinnamon, cloves and so on can help to reduce the same terms of these ailments.

But in other cases where herbs cannot help such ailment is when the tumors have grown two big and become uncomfortable for the patient, it is always advisable that a surgical process is taken which is called myomectomy. In this process advanced technology is used to remove the tumors from the woman's body which will help her to live better.

In conclusion, my point is that both advanced and traditional medicine is a necessity, one is important where the other cannot be and vice versa. Although money can be a hindrance when it comes to you getting medical attention from professionals that is why some people subscribe to the traditional form of medicine. It is also a disaster to know that some people actually believe that advanced medicine is a waste of time where there is traditional medicine. In all the choice is based on individual preferences and situations.

This is a part of my entry for the #juneinleo prompt as organized by the @leogrowth team with great initiative that members of Hive you can participate in this prompt and tackle them as you deem fit.

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