why classic music remains the old men kind of music

Age is just a number, even as people grow older, they do not cut off their head, it is still the head they born with that is in them, and whatsoever was their experience during their child age would still be there in them, as they grow up, because they grow older but they do not change their head.

In the time's of our fathers, they only recognizable sound was the classic music and even up till day, no elderly person would hear classic sound of their time that he is not going to comment on it.

I can used my father as an example, he loves to hear classic songs, even when I do not seems to like it, he would take it as his responsibility to enlighten me about the songs and how it was in those days.

And today, even while he sing it and clap his hands to the song, trying to make me like it, I do not seems to like it, the same way he doesn't like the songs I play in my room.

I remember the day father came and knock on my room, I thought he was going to sent me on an errand or something but it wasn't that, yet what he came for was the sound of the music.

The thing is, he doesn't seems to like it and anything someone does not like is going to be like a nosie to his ear. I wasn't sure if my speaker was on a high volume, because I do not like playing high sounds in the house, due to this same reason that I may disturb someone with my high disco.

But I later understand that my Dad finds no interest on that kinds of song's I play, playing those song's on low volume still gets to his room.

It was through an interaction that me and my Dad had, that I came to understand, anything someone's do regularly is going to becomes something he loves so much, take for instance, everyone loves a music star, be it your favorite artist or not, we love them, and that is because we used to see them on our Tv screen all the times.

The media houses find Interest on the celebrity's gist and gossip because they have realized we have known this people so it mustn't be a new thing to any of their viewers out there, if they brought up a story or an incidents about them.

I would also like to make an Instance into another thing which is so precious in our lives, and that is love.

Men's are mostly the one's asking the women's out for date, love or whatsoever may interest the both at last, and you see here, it is mostly the men, and the women at first, may turns down the man's proposal because she might not just like him, just like that, without even knowing who he is, if he is a kind of man she likes or if he has the characters of a kind of man she wants for herself.

But as these men keep going to the presence of these women's and continue to show her. who he is, that he is not a bad person to her, an would not do her any harm, you would see the woman beginning to change her thoughts towards the man, because she has been seeing him everyday, and so, has makes her begins to know him, even when they're not yet dating, then seeing him and listening to what he has to say has change her thinking towards him and before she knows it, the both of them is going to date for sure.

So back to the classic music that was the main focus, I wasn't truly move when my Dad started to tell me about classic music and what that genres of songs was in their time, the thing is, me and my Dad talked mostly at times in the house, so before I knew it, I have added classic music to the songs I like to play, and right now, I do not stay a day without listening to classic music, the more I listened to this kind of songs, the more I like it deeper.

One magic I learnt this days about music is that, music is captivating, no matter which genres they are, it has the potentials of making you change your mind.

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