When music heal wounds

It does happen, I will say in a time when I was eighteen, I was crying because of what occur to me that day, but when I lay my hands on the radio and there was this particular radio station that rock's with my favorite songs, I listened to it instantly when those song's started rolling in, everyone has that radio station which is their favorite and mine is Cool FM and up till today, Cool FM is still my favorite radio station.

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Hearing some sounds from a distance can pause me when I am doing something, it does happened and it is not the first time, neither is it the second, I can easily categorized it as something that has happened uncountables.

So I happen to met with someone who told me that he is not a fan of music, what he meant was that, he doesn't listened to music that much, he is always on his own because he sees music as noise.

I tried to understand him, although I am a big fan of music, especially, if I am listening to those kinds of music that I take as my favorite, but I was imagining what he said about music.

I know for sure that in every words that people said, either we called it nonsense or whatever we might called it, there is always a sense in it, as my friend believed that all music are noise, I doubt it to some point, because some music lyrics conveys an important life thoughts which add so much improvement to the life of people.

But I let him know that, it is not like I am condemning his views that music can be noise, because I believed, a music can be noise, maybe we listened to it, when our mind do not need something like that, or maybe, we find out that the music has no meaningful at all that it is adding to life in general.

Therefore, If I am listening to such music, what I would do will be to switch off the radio and try to get my mind out of the music lyrics at once.

I see no reason why some singers would be teaching people how to smoke Indian herm's so well in their song's, I respect the dignity of people who smoke but to think more deep into smoking, it is not still a good thing to do.

So for a singer to be singing how to smoke in a song, those are the kind of song's I consider as nosie and i mostly mute them because it doesn't add more relevance to me.

Most of the times, i enjoyed music that conveys love, good way's of surviving and teaching people how to make it in life.

Music has healed my wound once. I was heartbroken because someone I love broke up with me, it wasn't just a minor matter, because I took a lot of days to recover my self from the situation.

But the thing which help so much to speed and heal my wound was music, yet, at the early stage of the break up, when I listened to that songs we do listened to together when we were in love, I would feel like my heart was not my own.

But time passes and I was able to realize that, I would find another love someday, that feelings makes me to build up myself into forgetting about the past, it is so unfair to hold onto the past, move on and continue to explore.

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