From what I know, I still love my favorite genres of music


There are so many genres of music nowadays, and most of them, tries to make me denounced my favorite genres and the situation here is, because of the good singers everywhere in music, these guys tends to take my heart go away from what i know as my favorite.

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But, right now, I have figured out that, no matter how good are others genre's of music, no other can be compare to blues because of it calmness and less noise to people who listened.

Moreso, blue's is that genres of song, we used when we want to sleep, Sietea is very necessary in our life, sometimes we may do a lot of activities and may feel tired and want to take a siesta, believed me, in such time's, you do not needs sounds that are very louding, the song's we need that will match with our sleep is blues.

Then, it is no doubtful that, if someone starts playing blues, he would be feeling sleepy, it thus happened to me, I was in the house alone, I had something to do and it was to wash my clothes later and sun dry it.

But I began to play some blues in the house, all I was feeling afterwards was sleep and it was not long, I fall asleep, I wake up around 11:00 AM, and it was still a good time for me to wash, but I didn't finished all the washing that day, because if I was to finished it, I would have started so early, but I was so bluesy to stay awake.

After I had this experience, I stopped to play blue's when I need to do something, it is unless, I know that, what I want to do now is to sleep, and have some rest.

The best time I played blues is in the night, and any day, I do not play blues and sleep in the night, I would not enjoyed my sleep, from what I can see, it has become an habits.

But I love it, because, blues are cool jams that inspire and make me feel calm and think about myself and what I need to do to make thing's more better for myself.

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