Social media and mental health

Let us first see some study or research results ⤵

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72 out of 100 people in the US use social media [According to Pew Research]

Teenagers may spend considerably more time online which includes browsing various social media. According to a 2015 common sense survey, teenagers are found to spend around 9 hours online per day.

Those students who spend more than two hours per day on social media have poor mental health than the occasional users [According to a 2017 Canadian study]

Disrupted and delayed sleep among the adolescents was linked to social media use [According to a 2019study]

About 50% of 6000 participants of a study where the participants age was 10-18 years experienced cyberbullying [According to a 2020 survey]

Although no direct effect, but a 10-year use of screens (including using social media and playing video games) has been linked to increased suicide risk among adolescents and emerging adults [According to a 2021 study]

Teenagers who use social media for 3 hours or more daily are more likely to suffer from various mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, antisocial behaviour and aggression [According to a 2019 study]

Despite being connected to online friends, social media increase the feeling of loneliness [According to a 2018 study]

Do you know that there is FOMO in social media also? A continuous fear of missing out such as a sense that others are having more fun while I am not, leads to poor self-esteem and other mental illness. The uncontrolled urge of checking notifications often hampers sleep or other offline activities

Social media has brought some extraordinary changes in our life that were unimaginable a few decades ago. However, at the same time, it has some negative impact on us. We need to balance them in our life.

Source: MNT

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