[I am grateful to my Creator] Weekly reminders on Tuesday on the 19th of July, 2022

Assalamu Alaikum! How are you? Hopefully, you are having a fantastic day! I am also fine, Alhamdulillah. And, Welcome to my post!

I am a doctor. Besides, getting a monthly salary, I am getting something else from my dealings with the patients. Constant reminders!! Their illnesses remind me how blessed I am! Their stories increase my gratefulness/gratitude to my Creator!

In this post, I have shared short histories of 14 of the patients I consulted on Monday, 18th of July, 2022.

19 July 2022

The 1st patient on Monday was a Bangladeshi patient in his mid 50. He was diabetic and hypertensive. For the last 8-10 days, he was suffering from headaches, giddiness/dizziness, generalized fatigue, nausea and abdominal discomfort. His blood sugar level and blood pressure level were high. Uncontrolled DM and HTN were the reasons for his symptoms most likely. He wasn’t in touch with any doctor. I adjusted his BP and sugar medications. I also asked him to come for the follow-up more often.

The 2nd patient came for a follow-up. Around two months back he visited with pain in his right buttock area. It was a long-standing issue. He already did an X-ray for the problem in Bangladesh. Hence, on his previous visit, I only gave injectable and oral medications. According to him, while he takes tablets, the pain goes away. But, in a few days, it returns. I told him to consult an orthopaedic doctor. However, he took painkiller injections again!

The next patient also came for a follow-up visit. On the 14th of July, he visited me with a history of right great toenail injury. It was partially avulsed. I removed the nail. This time he came for check-dressing of his wound only.

Patient number 4 was also a returning patient. On the 13th of July, he visited another GP doctor with the complaint of sleeplessness, anxiety, fever and body pain. The doctor did one blood test and gave some medications. His problems were unchanged. So, this time, he decided to change the doctor! I prescribed some different kinds of medications for his symptoms. Hope that works!!

The next patient was an Omani lady. She came with itchy rashes on her face for the last 3-4 days. There were no rashes on her trunk and limbs. She denied using any new kind of creams. So, I couldn’t find the reason for having such an itchy rash only on her face. Anyway, I gave the available management to her.

The 6th patient was a middle-aged Omani lady. She was having giddiness/dizziness or vertigo and palpitation for one day. But, it wasn’t the first occurrence. She was having similar problems from time to time. She came to do investigations to find out the reasons for her problem. I did CBC, RBS, Lipid profile, TSH, vitamin D and vitamin B12 tests. The last 3 tests she wanted to do. I suggested the first three. The CBC, RBS, Lipid profile and TSH reports were within normal limits. The last two report’s results are pending.

The 7th patient was a Bangladeshi worker. He came with vague complaints like fatigue/lethargy, body/limbs pain/cramp, giddiness/dizziness etc. He has been having these problems for the last 10-12 days. I gave him symptomatic management.

The next patient visited with complaints of pain in his anal area with an anal mass. He gave no history of passing any blood in his stool. I examined his anal area and found a small mass close to his anal orifice. The D/R/E was not painful. I felt no mass within the anal canal. The features weren’t consistent with haemorrhoids/piles.

The 9th patient was an Omani lady. She was having some itchy rashes on her body and limbs for the last 3 months. He took some medications but those didn’t help her. She has an appointment with a skin doctor in a government hospital but the date is too far. I offered an injection for her allergy. But, before taking the injection, she wanted to do a pregnancy test. The result came back positive! Means, she was pregnant. However, she seemed unhappy seeing the positive result! I couldn’t give an injection either (contraindicated in pregnancy).

The next patient came with fever, cold, cough, throat pain and hoarseness of voice for the last 3 days. She also did a pregnancy test. It turned out to be negative. So, I gave her the necessary management.

Patient number 11 presented with a high fever and chills, headache, body pain, nausea and dyspepsia. He was quite restless due to his high fever and headache. I gave him an injection to reduce his fever fast. Then I prescribed oral medications.

The 12th patient was an Omani lady. She was having mild pain in her both ears and blockage sensation (left > right). A few months ago another doctor told her that she was having ear wax. That time the doctor gave her an ear drop for wax. This time she came to me to clean her ears. I found no wax in her external ear canals.

Patient number 13 visited with acute upper abdominal pain and burning sensation. The previous night she ate in the restaurant. The next morning, she started having the issue. It was an acidity-related issue; dyspepsia or acute gastritis. I gave her injections, tablets and syrup.

The 14th patient was an Omani elderly lady. She also came with upper abdominal pain, nausea, abdominal fullness/discomfort and discomfort in her throat. It was a case of dyspepsia/indigestion. I gave her the necessary medications.

Following the last patient mentioned above, I consulted 14 more patients on Monday, in total 28 patients. All of them visited with some kind of illness. On the other hand, I am blessed with sound health. That means I am clearly blessed with something those 29 patients weren't blessed with; good health. For that, I am grateful to my Creator, Allah. Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!!

Thanks for stopping by.

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The End

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