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Eid preparation (of the patients)

Tomorrow, the 9th of July, Saturday, Eid-ul Adha is going to be celebrated in Oman and many parts of the Muslim world. Eid-ul Adha is the second largest festival for us. On Eid day people usually gather with their friends and family members. Last year, on Eid day, there was a strict curfew for 3 days. So, tomorrow is the (apparent post COVID19) first Eid-ul Adha, without any restrictions. However, many people are concerned about the return of COVID19 in the Sultanate. Hence they think that Eid gatherings may facilitate the spread of the virus. Even though there is no restriction from the government, many people are taking personal action to stay on the safe side. Let us know about some patients action who visited me yesterday and today.

the image is taken from Pixabay

In the last couple of months, I think was not a single patient who did either a rapid antigen test or PCR test for COVID19. But, in the last two days, I got 3 patients who did the Rapid antigen test themselves. Not like they are having a COVID19-like illness in the last two days only, they had similar illnesses before when they didn’t do any tests for COVID19. Now they are doing the test because they don't want to spread the virus unknowingly to their near and dear ones, during this Eid gathering.

Yesterday (07.07.2022) one elderly Omani lady came with a headache and body pain. She did the Rapid antigen test and it was negative. Today (08.07.2022) one teenage boy was brought by his mother. He was having fever and body pain. His Rapid antigen test came back negative. Another mid-30 lady came with a cold, cough and fever for the last 6 days. Her test also was a negative one.

Other patients are coming with illnesses and they are asking for some strong (!) treatment so that they become symptoms-free by tomorrow. One patient came yesterday with some sort of breathing difficulty (although during the examination I found no feature of breathing difficulty) and took sick leave paper for Eid day and the day before Eid day (he has shift duty on Eid day).

Today morning one father brought his 14 years old boy who sustained a fracture in his left great toe one week before. He had a cast in situ. From the hospital, the orthopaedic doctor told them to keep the cast for at least 2 weeks, then go for a follow-up. But, Eid day is coming in between. The 14-year-old will feel bad to walk with a cast and not being able to play with his peers. Hence, they came today to do a follow-up X-ray to see the status of the bone and whether it is possible to remove the cast. Unfortunately, the X-ray finding wasn't favourable and they had to leave the same way they came in ( the cast in situ).

Okay. These are a few stories among many. They are (the patients) not to make fun of. Eid days only come two times a year. During the pandemic, they couldn't celebrate Eid the way it should be celebrated. So, this year, they don't want to miss a bit of it. At the same time, they don't want to harm others.

Eid Mubarak to everyone!! Happy Bakri Eid!

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