Year 35!

So I made it another year 😁!
I turned 35 on June 16th...


I'm not necessarily a birthday person so I'm not into big celebrations or anything... but i did make sure to have some fun.

It all started pretty simple... I actually went to work and made sure to bring some snacks and treats for the first meeting... And for the rest of the marketing team I brought each a Milka chocolate bar (one of the medium sized ones). Most of them didn't even know it was my birthday but I couldn't stop them from singing a song...
The throwback kindergarten-in-front-of-the-class type shame was inevitable 😂😂😂...
I later went on to lunch with my dad and got myself and oversized burger.
Funny coincidence, we had a special baby shower for a colleague planned that afternoon so I got another mini happy hour!

I later picked up my carrot cake!
And at night I got some drinks and 'chilled'...
It was a good day.

Here comes the overthinker part

First of all I'm not panicking. 35 is a significant number but there is no panic or sense of 'I'm getting old'...
There is however a reminder...
A reminder that time does go by whether you like it or not and that is should be used. It's limited after all.
So in that sense I do have a evaluation of where I am and where I want to be.
I'm pretty happy with a lot of my life but I also see things I could improve.
On the one hand I'm grateful for my health, friends, family and proud of my achievements and impact....

On the other, I'm gonna get a lot more focused this year!

Some of the goals I have this year... And yes if you're reading this your a semi accountability buddy!

  • Get in better shape.
    More specifically, lose about 12 kg (I'm currently 110kg and it has gotten out of hand) and get in Basketball playing shape because there might actually be a tournament this year...

  • Mental health...
    Focus on mediation and get to the point where it's part of my daily routine (it's semi daily now).
    I think this will help my overall state of mind...

  • More photography/videography !
    My therapy! My creative outlet 😁

b)Set up my photography website and sell my prints (already started but not on the scale I want yet).


  • More financial stability.
    I made a big step in getting a new (corporate job) and keeping my business on the side. So I should be in better shape this year!

  • Finish my documentaries..
    Cant tell you much about those yet but I have two I'm working on 😎😎😎.

  • Learn more about crypto.
    Yeah yeah... I've been saying this a while but it still needs to be done..

  • Read more..
    I'm at about 1 book every 2 months and I need to get to 1 per month at least...
    Currently reading: Why we sleep
    If you know me, you know how relevant that could be for me!


  • Travel
    It might not agree with point 4 (in terms of vacation days) but I'm not ready to let it go!


  • It would not be Hive appropriate if I didn't include "write more".. That's still a goal but with quality over quantity in mind!

Tips are welcome... Wish me luck!

That being said.. Looking forward to another great year full of adventures!



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