RE: Beautiful and sublime in the park

They say Vitamin C kills the virus. There are cases in Wuhan where patients with severe respiratory problems due to COVID-19 were administered Vitamin C intravenously and were cured. Though the sample size is not enough to establish a medically accepted procedure, still it does make sense to load up on the C. Here in our country, aside from face masks and alcohol, people have started panic buying of ascorbic acid. There's now a scarcity and if a source can be found, prices have doubled or tripled plus quantity is rationed. I am now mega-dosing on the C taking 3 to 4,000 milligrams a day. My wife wants me to up it to 5 to 6,000 mg daily to boost the immune system. Remember, the virus affects those above 60 years old more severely than those younger.

Just some unsolicited advise. Now to go back to the topic on hand, great shots as usual. Love the tree stump pic. They say you can determine the age of the tree from the whorls or grooves of the tree stump which I am still trying to figure out how LOL.

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