
She told me dad just a few days after I moved in with her mother, my friends teased me when I told them that it was a strategy of my partner to tie me down but as the days went by I realized that it was an expression of affection from a simple girl who had never had a father figure by her side, I saw her grow up, I learned to love her as if she were my own daughter where, without thinking about it, I married her mother a few years later in which we had a child who intertwined our union more but I never stopped loving that black-eyed girl who one day stole my heart, s the years went by I saw her become a young lady graduating from high school I was happy to see her fulfill herself professionally where I gave her away at the altar to the man she fell in love with, I saw her become a mother and I was so proud to see that I was a grandfather and happy to hold a baby in my arms again.

But one day without thinking about it, darkness came into our lives because her mother, my wife and my great love of so many years had died of a heart attack where that glow in her eyes had been extinguished without saying goodbye. She just fell asleep but with a big smile on her face that wrapped her in that unique essence of our existence, I will never forget the first time that she called me daddy because she was just a little girl thirsty for love and affection where I was willing to give it to her as far as my strength would allow me because from that moment on I have not stopped considering her as my daughter and she as her father, even though sometimes she feels nostalgic because she never knew her father she is grateful to life for having introduced us because in her I still see reflected her mother since in her smile I see a little bit of the love that heaven and life allowed me to sow my seed in her heart.

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