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Longing For Vitamin Sea

Hello Everyone☺☺☺

For over a month I been longing for the "Vitamin Sea" thanks to my boyfriend @jearo101 I feel again the breeze of the sea.

It is really refreshing. Look how I enjoying the water. You can see it at my face. On that part Im holdingnin the "Katig" of the Pumpboat I dont know what's the english of that, that's why I just quoted it. I so missed riding it. In Bohol we had a pumpboat so we are usually riding it whenever we go on swimming. It is really nice riding it.☺☺☺

I can ride it again soon when this pandemic is all over. Let's just keep praying always. Keep safe and take care always too. God Bless and Thank you for your unending support to my blog always☺☺☺

truly yours,
