11 Hours Driving, Home, Garden Sprouts - Wednesday

We managed to leave Salt Lake City at 8:00am which put us in the rush hour traffic but we managed to get through it and headed north. This was the view for much of the drive yesterday. Bug splattered windshield and treeless wide open land.


Our last stop was in Missoula for gas at right around 4pm mountain time. The rest of the drive went smooth until we got to CDA and the rush hour traffic. Got to brake check some asshole om the freeway which did a wonderful job of keeping them off my ass.


We got home right at 6pm and after unloading the truck I went for a wander around the farm and found I have a number of plants sprouting in the garden already. This is Kale.


And this is beets popping up. quite pleased to have sprouts already before May when I normally am just getting planted.

No soak since the hot tub was on vacation mode and too cool, unfortunately as it would have been nice after the long drive.


We are back to the same old routine now. Boys to and from school, I have a chiro appointment which will be very nice after the 11 hours of driving, I have tons to check on around the farm, the topper comes off the truck, PDC is on mid day, then I will cobble something together for dinner this evening.

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Fleming Family Farm
Sustainable & Organic Methods | Heirloom Produce
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