Play the hand you're dealt!

I've had a great weekend after a long time. I haven't felt this relaxed in a while but today was just perfect. I had a great time chilling by myself working on whatever I planned on Friday night which stretched unto morning.

Then I managed about 5 hours of sleep in the morning and was up all fresh once again. Later in the evening around 6PM I decided on an impulse to head down to one of my favourite spots on coast again. It's a short 20 minute drive anyway.

I always tell my friends that I like Mangalore. But deep inside I think I do love it. It annoys me sometimes that no matter how far I go away from it, it always brings me back one way or another. So now i've just accepted it and decided to just stay here and use it as my base. But, it's also home, place where I grew up and there are many good things about it too.


There isn't a lot to do around here by metro city standards. But, you will find some peace and quiet, unlike in the bigger cities. I've traveled all over India and lived in metros too when I was in the rat race and worked a corporate job a while ago. My current lifestyle feels no less than a retirement life of sorts compared to all that I've done in the past decade.

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Since hindsight is 20/20 I don't mind having slowed things down. Life is also healthier here. Also, if I were in a metro city, I wouldn't always be able to catch beautiful sunsets on beautiful beaches right?

I guess I'm just trying to look at the positive side tonight. I get bored easily and I get bored of Mangalore a lot too. If i lived in a bigger city, I don't know what I would be doing today. It's so different to what I was doing 10 years ago.

For the most part I feel happy about the time and freedom I've earned thanks to the work I've chosen. No one to dictate how I must spend my time, what and how much I should do with it. The challenges to maintain this status quo is never ending as a self-employed individual but that's totally acceptable.


It's getting hard to tuck in that food baby now! Havnt seen a treadmill in several months. Just cook n eat, rinse repeat. 😂

Sometimes I visit alone, because I enjoy my own company no matter where I am. But today I felt it would be great to have some really good company.

I like people who can make plans on an impulse and don't require a month's advance notice. Some of my closest friends are like that, even those that don't live here anymore and few across the globe. Always ready to hang out and do something. Easy going people are the best.

Luckily for me, today a childhood friend of over 28 years now was free to hang out.

The weather was perfect so we had an absolute blast catching up. The weather was really cool. No humidity for a change. It even rained with some intermittent lightning.

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We hung around till the sun set and the light house was functional. There were only a handful of locals hanging around like us and enjoying the breeze and a walk. Some of these spots are safe to visit at any hour. I've spent countless nights with friends on the beach at all kinds of odd hours before this COVID-19 ruined it all.

I like how these two images turned out. Especially the lighthouse in the corner.

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I tried my hand at editing and made a slightly dark edit for my friend who really enjoys horror flicks! She liked it! 😂

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This is a mix from MiMo -DJ Miss Monique I've been listening tonight while writing this post and reading other posts on Hive. I hope you like it. I listen to this type of music which helps me focus on my work and I don't realise how time flies and work gets done. I listen to various genres. Today I thought i'd share this with you.

Well, it does feel like a party at my place right now with some good music playing and some good food to munch on and make the most of this weekend. It would've been really cool if I could invite some awesome Hive-ians or Hivers (@justineh or someone tell me the correct usage) over and party tonight. No harm in dreaming in these times eh?

Hopefully once COVID-19 dies down and travel becomes safer my friend and our awesome @roelandp will have a kickass HiveFest for us all!

Meanwhile have a great weekend ya'll. I might keep sharing my trips to the beach a few more times... 😂

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