Never go with looks for they are deceiving

Such a silent morning it is over here, I seem to be up early and the first thing I could think of was my phone and drafting this particular post like you are reading now. Soon I will be travelling to get some stuffs done, and I fear I wouldn’t get the time to even type an alphabe, so early morning is the best


Life is never as cool or easy like we see around people each day, you might see someone with all the looks of the happiest being ever but immediately you get closer, you just know all what you were seeing around was just something to deserve people around him. He turns out to be the stressed person you ever seeing on this earth.

There is this friend of mine who as a very funny phrase he says all the time, around such people. He quotes it as “away gentility, home cry”. And ever from this phrase I don’t have to explain further since the meaning brings itself when one read it at a flash. For the sake of some who may not still get it after reading, the phrase simply means one moving around with all the smiles that you could ever imagine but in their closet they turn out to be the most burden being on earth.


I could sense you opening your mouth out wide imagining how all these things could happen. Well let me use some of your childhood scenes to let you understand the angle I am coming from. I hope you haven’t forgotten that one time in your life when you were told never to do something but you didn’t even mind and went straight ahead to know the reason. This reason always comes with a price and some of these prices comes in the form of pain for hurting some part of our body yet we get home and are being asked if we are ok.

We just move ahead to say we are ok, just to take that pain alone. The funny thing here is, we never get to hide it for long because we feel the pains so hard that we walk to whoever that warned us not to do what we did for help, or we fear we might lose our life with how we feel the pain that comes with it. Out of love and how they see us suffer they have no other thing to do than to help us.

I remember there was this Sunday that we returned from church and as usual we had being warned by our parents not to play around the electrical guillotine. These ones had the turn around tool which helped these press shops to roll around in cases of no light. They just switch to the manual to trim off excess spaces around the book or paper.

So as stubborn as we were we hid around this machine and we were turning it around. Unfortunately, one of us got his hand in there and in seconds blood was all over the place. It took the help of the adults around who warned us not to go near the guillotine to get him to the hospital. That was the last time in remember going near thee guillotine

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