
Hi, I am a mangalover from Indonesia. This time, I will give a review of this adorable comic.


Book Information:
Comic Title: A Man & His Cat Volume 1
Mangaka: Umi Sakurai
Publisher: PT Elex Media Komputindo, Origin (Japan): SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.
Year of publication: 2021, Origin (Japan): 2018
Genre: Boys Comics
Java Price: IDR 40,000

This comic tells about a cat and its owner. The story, there is an adult cat that is not sold in pet shops. Increasingly, the selling price decreases, the cat feels hopeless and wants to give up. However, one day a man appeared before the cat. The man said, "I want that cat". This is a warm everyday story between a man and his beloved cat.


This comic has the following table of contents:

  • Chapter 1: A Man and a Cat ("Sang Tuan dan Kucingnya" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 2: All Alone ("Sebatang Kara" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 3: The Cat's Name ("Nama Si Kucing" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 4: The Man Goes Shopping ("Sang Tuan Berbelanja" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 5: Super-mewracle Crunchies ("Super Miracle Kriuk Kriuk" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 6: I Have A Cat Now ("Aku Memelihara Kucing" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 7: Good Night, Fukumaru ("Selamat Tidur, Fukumaru" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 8: Good Night, Mister ("Selamat Tidur, Tuan" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 9: Kneady-Kneady Fukumaru ("Fukumaru Pijat-pijat" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 10: The Man Wakes Up ("Sang Tuan Terbangun" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 11: Fukumaru Minds the House ("Fukumaru Jaga Rumah" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 12: Welcome Home ("Selamat Datang Kembali" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 13: Loyal Kitty Fukumaru ("Fukumaru Si Kucing Penurut" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 14: My Pet Is Number One ("Anakku Paling Lucu" in Bahasa)
  • Chapter 15: Fukumaru and the Black Thing ("Fukumaru dan Si Hitam" in Bahasa)
  • Safe, Worry-Free Design ("Desain Aman dan Selamat" in Bahasa)
  • Attack From the Purriphery ("Serang dari Ujung, Miaw" in Bahasa)
  • The View Beyond the Invisible Wall ("Yang Tampak dari Tembok Transparan" in Bahasa)
  • Your Precious Cat ("Kucing Manismu" in Bahasa)
  • I Promise You ("Janji denganmu" in Bahasa)
  • Hellos and Good-Byes ("Perjumpaan dan Perpisahan" in Bahasa)
  • With Fukumaru ("Bersama Fukumaru" in Bahasa)


The story is very light to read, has humor, and I personally finish reading it faster than reading other comics in a comparison of 1 volume. Simple but classy.

This comic is printed in a premium format. There are color pages with excellent paper. Of course the price is more expensive, but the price is directly proportional to the quality of the printing.

How is the artwork/illustration?

Very impressive. Umi Sakurai Sensei is really a great artist. The combination of pictures and conversations/sentences is good, not complicated to understand.


You can find out about Publisher PT Elex Media Komputindo here:
facebook: elexmedia
twitter: elexmedia

That's all I want to share with you, thank you for reading my post. See you in my next post. Don't forget to read my other posts😉...

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