The Blueprint for Powerful Affirmations - Jan 14, 2024

Affirmation: Every day and every night, I am ____________ (insert an adverb or adjective) ____________ (insert your desire in the present tense) with ease, joy, comfort, and love.

Example: Every day and every night, I am rapidly growing stronger with ease, joy, comfort, and love.

Confirmation, based on the "I am that I am": Yes, I am growing stronger, much stronger, so much stronger. Thank you, Father.

In addition, you may add something like, "My mind is consistently delivering all of the desired goods with ease, joy, comfort, and love."

Elucidation: The subconscious, the emotional facet of the human mind, materializes the ideas we implant, be they good, bad, or indifferent. The subconscious is endowed with Yahweh's creative power and, thus, is omnipotent and operates indiscriminately. The feeling is the soil. Therefore, always feel the fulfillment of the desired good before dropping off to the unconscious state (sleep).

Instruction: repeat affirmations and hold fast to the feeling of accomplishment while falling asleep. Repeat the action night after night, unflinchingly denying the evidence of the conscious (male) senses. If you endure, no matter how seemingly far-fetched or unfeasible the goal may seem, it must come true. However, ALWAYS give instructions on how you want it to be delivered (hence, with ease, joy, comfort, and love). Failure to do so may result in your wish being granted in a manner that could be harsh or challenging

You may also employ Isaiah 45:11, which says, Thus saith Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons and concerning the work of my hands; command you me.

When applied, it goes something like this: "I command and allow my mind to find and implement simple, feasible, and effective solutions to ________ (insert your wish)."

Two steps of the utmost importance are repetition and focus.

The less time and energy your mind wastes, the quicker your vision will materialize. The Bible warns us of double-mindedness: A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Let not that man think that he shall receive anything from Yahweh.

If you think your vision is unfeasible, think of Abraham, whom Yahweh selected and admired for his boldness to walk by faith and call those things that are not as though they were (Romans 4:17).

Finally, know what you want, be open-minded, and be ready to work, for nothing falls freely from the sky.

An anecdote: I prayed, 'Break the spell, dream, confusion, and deception.' Fifteen minutes later, He presented me with some not-so-noble (indisputable) facts about the dearest people in my vicinity, which instinctively made me wonder, 'Why? WHY??' This was human nature at work. Don't make the same mistake. Always know what you want. Gratitude is mandatory (always give thanks for answered prayers). Expect miracles, signs, and wonders, for His ways are past finding out. For example, those affirming the achievement of material wealth may be led to books on subjects that captivate them—books containing information that, when applied, can guide them toward the accumulation of fortune.

Picture by: Pixabay

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