The Impacts Of CWH On Me

The Impacts Of CWH On Me

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All my life if I say I don't feel lucky coming to Hive I lied. A few months ago @amberkashif urged me to join Dreemport and I was like okay, let me just join casually because she is someone I respect so much on the chain.

At first, I was like what is this space like, being someone who finds socializing with people difficult, I was sure I won't last long here, but subsequently, Dreemport became home, it became a place I don't go a day without visiting.

Today, during PYPT (Pimp Your Post Thursday) on discord, I jokingly told, @jhymi that valentine wasn't sweet for me because I didn't receive an I love you from anyone and guess what she said "Well, we at PYPT and Dreemport love you", i know she said that out of joke but she was right.

I have found a family on Dreemport, I found love, I find comfort and motivation from this place, it makes the journey on Hive Blockchain easy and fun.

This month's Dreemport's challenge is an amazing one, collaborating with Creative Work Hour (CWH) is by far one of the best collaborations on Dreemport for me.

I mean, at first I was like would I be able to cope? The task seemed almost impossible for me. I am not someone who is that creative, I thought, come-on, this is not for me.

One of those days, I logging to my discord and I was having a message from Alessandrawhite asking if I had anything I wished to work on. Wow! I felt loved, I mean I wasn't expecting that at all.

I told her about a random idea I had and she said that is it, go for it. Immediately my hopes came alive and I put myself together and started the journey.

Subsequently, I started attending the meetings organized by Alessandrawhite on discord, and I was getting more clarity until what I was scared of became something I love.

The collaboration has transformed my thinking ability, I learned how to meditate, it became so easy for me to be able to reason even in the midst of turbulence. I remember the first day at the meeting, I was confused and full of noise in my head but during the meeting, I got a topic to work on.

Another amazing thing the collaboration has given me is the ability not to see any idea I have as worthless or useless, it made me realize that even the weakest and silliest idea we have can be given life if we believe in it.

I wish we would write like this more often, giving out that which we love to share with the world, letting loose the creative spirit in us.

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