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A Walk through the Village of Ashover, Derbyshire

I visited a quaint little village of Ashover, near to me. It's what I call a 'feel good' village. Just walking around here seems to lift the spirits. First stop was the church yard. I never find them sad places, just peaceful.

During all the lockdowns when it wasn't permitted to have any services inside, the All Saints Church bought the services outside into the churchyard. As the weather has been really hot, they are still choosing to do the services outside.

I'm not a church goer, but I enjoy visiting the churchyard purely to read the messages. Quote by Anne Frank: “No one has ever become poor by giving.” I think this message is so true.

This notice basically says, that if you have lost something during the pandemic, whether it's a loved one or even a job, you should acknowledge your loss by placing a pebble on the empty chair to give you hope and healing.

Afterwards, we did a circular walk through the village fields.

Most of the sheep were under the tree to keep out of the sun. I felt like joining them!

Photos by @ellenripley - Julie S. All rights reserved.