Blogging Challenge Day 7 - Your 5 favorite songs - 5 canciones favoritas /by @elinorrg

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Hola amigos #hive, hoy me hago presente en “Blogging Challenge Day 7 para mostrar mis 5 canciones favoritas y felicito a todas las abejas que forman parte de este evento para que se realizara

Hello friends #hive, today I am present at “Blogging Challenge Day 7 to show my 5 favorite songs and I congratulate all the bees that are part of this event for it to take place.

Aquí terminaba de revisar mi lista de canciones preferidas y pensando cuales canciones escoger

Here I finished reviewing my list of favorite songs and thinking which songs to choose

Bueno, como ustedes saben es difícil elegir las canciones favoritas porque no son cinco que uno tienes sino más de cinco por lo que se hace difícil elegirlas. Imagínese tantos artistas famosos con diferentes tipos de géneros en sus canciones que tuvieron tantos éxito de lo hermosas que fueron y que me gustan pero yo les voy a nombrar las que me llenan en estos momentos.
Unas de ellas son:

  1. La de Luis Silva “Quiero enamorarme de ti” (Llanera)
  2. La de Juan Luis Guerra”Burbujas de Amor” (bachata)
  3. La de Marco Antonio Solis “Mi Primavera” (Bolero)
  4. La de Marc Anthony “Tu Amor Me Hace Bien” (Salsa)
  5. Johann Strauss "El Danubio azul" (clásica)

Well, as you know, it is difficult to choose your favorite songs because there are not five that you have but more than five so it is difficult to choose them. Imagine so many famous artists with different types of genres in their songs that were so successful because of how beautiful they were and that I like them but I am going to name the ones that fill me right now.
Some of them are:

  1. Luis Silva's "I want to fall in love with you" (Llanera)
  2. That of Juan Luis Guerra "Bubbles of Love" (bachata)
  3. That of Marco Antonio Solis “My Spring” (Bolero)
  4. Marc Anthony's “Your Love Makes Me Good” (Salsa)
  5. Johann Strauss "The Blue Danube" (classical)

Estos son las algunas cinco canciones de las preferidas. Espero les haya gustado mi post

These are the some five favorite songs. I hope you liked my post

Las fotos fueron tomadas con cámara huawei p-20

Photos were taken with huawei p-20 camera

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