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A happy birthday to me

Today is my birthday. I feel like shouting loud, or maybe partying and painting the town red to let the world know its my birthday. I feel joy each time I count the number of years and realize I have been blessed beyond measure. No big party, no cake, no car, no luxuries, however there's life and that's what makes the day so special. I always have this philosophy, "If there's life, then there's hope". Yes, life is all that we need to make the future I desire.

I was so amazed with the love from friends and family today. The wishes, the gifts, the time and the laughter all made it a wonderful day today. I woke up, and got this feeling of excitement when I received a funny message from a friend. I don't always celebrate birthdays, sometimes I wake up on my birthday and have no knowledge that it's my birth date until a friend sent me a message. I'm not the social type, I don't like social gathering and that's the reason I avoid anything that initiate party or crowd.

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I wish myself so many things today. A long life so I could see my grandchildren, prosperity to help those who rely on me, favour from God and men to be please in all that I do, and blessings that I may prosper in every of my endeavors. Today seems like starting a new journey around the orbit of my future and goals and I hope to make the most out of it. It may have been tough the past years, I believe it will be easy this year, the path must have been crooked however it will be straightened.

28 years ago I was born. I believe there was drumming and rejoicing which signifies that every good thing is celebrated. Today I celebrate life and I hope to celebrate more of this in my life. Happy birthday to me.