Wild Plants that Have Benefits as Herbal Medicines


Some plants we often encounter grow wild both in the yard, road, shrub and also unexpected places. The plant turned out to have benefits as another herbal remedy:



In Latin that is Ficus Septica Burn. L is a medicinal plant that has green fruit and has a small round shape (like the fig shape). Awar-awar leaf shape resembles Nagka leaf, wide and green. Contains alkaloids, tiloforin, septisin, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, and antofin. Awar-awar has medicinal properties such as shortness of breath, laxatives, and rheumatism. In addition, awar-awar can also be used as a remedy for appendicitis, as an antidote to poisons from poisonous snake bites, and also skin medications (boils).

Wedusan (Ageratum conyzoides L.)


Is a wild plant that can be used as a wound remedy, commonly grown in fields / gardens, shrubs, and often encountered in home yards. This plant has a very strong scent, Javanese people call it the smell of wedus (goat). Characteristics of this plant apart from the smell that has hairy plant stems and small purple-whitish flowers. The contents contained in Tanman Wedusan are saponins, polyphenols, falvonoids, astiri oils, alkaloids, sitosterol and others. In addition to efficacious as a medicinal wound this plant can also be used as a fever-lowering drug, overcome stomach pain and chest pain, malaria, as an eye wash, stop nosebleeds, treat ear inflammation, treat sprains and also broken bones.

Imperata cylindrica (Imperata cylindrica)


Including grass plants which are categorized as weeds (intruders), usually grow on large and empty land or on untreated land. The content contained in the reeds include fernenol, campesterol, scopolotin, catechol, oxalic acid, cylindrin and others. Reeds are usually destroyed by burning, some are used as roofs. It turns out that this plant, which is considered a weed, has efficacy as an antipyretic drug, which is fever, headache, myalgia, cold and others. Besides that, the reeds can also be used as a diuretic or shed urine.

These plants are only a small part of the wild plants that are around us and we often encounter, we can use them as herbal medicines. We can plant these plants both with pots and polybags or planted in an empty yard around our home as a family medicinal plant.

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