A bad day😭😥💔


I just want to cry, I stopped a month gathering my Hive dollar and I was 25 And I had decided to change them today but we spent more than 10 hours without electricity and Internet. I just arrived a while ago and I wanted to make the change and I did not realize the time I made the transfer of my hive and after doing it I realized that the page of changes is not working and now I do not know if I lost all my money.


If I lost my money it will be really sad, it is not easy to gather and that in a blink of an eye there lost the money. And I was just switching to buy some food tomorrow and some things for my birthday cake. Those 25 hive dollars were all my savings and now I have nothing. Hopefully this page tomorrow I will solve this problem but I will be very sad for having lost everything ... I just want to cry.

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