The Ride To Snow Hill and OC

Hi All and I'm hoping this uploads correctly for me! I want to tell you about my ride to Snow Hill and OC (Ocean City) in Maryland on 10-5-2020. I don't know if this is exactly considered sublime but it is a story that I want to share for today. Ocean City is approximately a three hour ride from our home so it is a long ride.


I want to tell you why we (husband, son and self) went on this ride. First, we had to drive to Bel Air , MD to exchange vehicles. We were driving down an uncle's vehicle and picking up my father-in-law's vehicle because my husband's uncle had a very mild stroke while they were on the road a couple of days prior to this. Once he was released from the hospital near here his wife was having problems with their car so they borrowed my father-in-law's car. My husband was able to "fix" his uncle's car and off we went to deliver it to Snow Hill which is under thirty minutes from Ocean City. We had been wanting to take a short visit to OC and so we left two hours early which we figured would give us two hours in OC before meeting up with his uncle in Snow Hill. Whew! Now that we got that outta' the way lets get rolling!
Well, we didn't get rolling for long! We set out to get there through Delaware which would be closer from our starting point in Bel Air, MD but, evidently, there was a bad chain reaction accident earlier in the day and had caused traffic to back up. Maybe seeing this was a sign and if not is was still unnerving to someone who gets anxiety while riding in a car.


We decided to get off one road and take a different way to Delaware and guess what?! There was another horrible accident on this route also. Traffic was even more backed up now and we were stuck in traffic between a lot of cars and tractor trailers.



The worst part about the trip was seeing the vehicle as it was being towed down the road from the second accident. I didn't get a photo but I knew people must have been killed in that car. We did hear and see a medivac helicopter and I did say a Prayer for anyone involved. I did find out later that two people in that vehicle didn't make it but one person was flown out by that helicopter. It really hit me hard because the road it happened at was a road that a cousin lived off of and tractor trailers were also involved which brought back bad memories of my brother being killed. Needless to say, I did take medication for my anxiety and I guess it helped some but not nearly enough.


After a good two hours we made it out of the traffic jam and it did help to take photos along the way as it took my sight and my thoughts (a little) bit off of all of the vehicles around me. There was some beautiful scenery.




We knew now that we would have to stop at Snow Hill first and exchange vehicles due to being two hours late. We also visited for a short time. I also got to meet this sweet doggie that lives next door to my cousins house. He really was a sweet dog and after visiting with everyone there and the doggie next door we set out for OC aka Ocean City.


Now, we knew that this would be an even shorter visit than we had planned. It seemed as we drove on that the clouds were increasing and the sun was setting.



Once we arrived to the OC Inlet, we got out and my husband went to use the restroom and my son went to the soda machine. While they did that I snapped a few photos from the Inlet parking lot.



This is a Ferris wheel that is close by that I could see from the Inlet lot. I zoomed in closer with my camera for a better look.


The seats on the Ferris wheel at the Inlet had been taken down for the season. When I see the big Pepsi sign on the wheel or anytime anywhere it also reminds me of my brother who passed away as he worked most of his life for Pepsi driving a tractor trailer. This trip was just strange from the get go is all I can say.


We figured that we would walk down the beach to the ocean (at least) as the skies grew darker and the wind blew harder and now with the sun setting it was getting very cold. We decided to give in at this point. Before making it to the sand we turned around to walk back to the car.


It just wasn't meant to be and we were all pretty much done at this point and we still had a three or more hour ride home ahead of us. Course, we had to drop my father-in-laws car to him at his house and take our vehicle home with us to our house. I did get this photo of the setting sun from the backseat of the car as we drove away from Ocean City.


I sat in the backseat as this vehicle was small and my son towers over me so I gave him the front seat which would give him more leg space. Probably best with how I was feeling too. When we finally got home I did say a lot of Prayers for my husbands uncle, the people involved in the accidents and their families, my family and I also thanked God for watching over us on this long strange trip and bringing us all home safely. It is a little weird to think that if we had been on time that possibly we would've been very close to that bad accident and I only just realized that as I was writing this. I think that makes me even more thankful to be here telling you about my ride to Snow Hill and OC! šŸ’–


Thank you @c0ff33a for #sublimesunday!!


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