Best Chance for a Theosophist

Humans live surrounded by profound changes that invite them to develop a deeper concern. Appearances modify and adapt all the time, the point remains the same. Sudden changes allow something important to express itself.


The astrological sky is now full of all changes, and especially until 2015. Some of the karmic doors are quickly closing. Another door opened. For every opportunity that disappears before us, one or more opportunities arise, because everything in the universe is fair and symmetrical.



While closed doors tend to be obvious, open doors may just be waiting for us to have them. eyes to see them. New born potential according to their respective long-term desires. Hope and will determine the eyeglass lenses through which we see reality. A person sees everywhere, in part, what he wants to see, and what he is used to seeing.


The individual must check once and again whether the project and the action plan developed by him is true and noble. If the answers agree, he must work for them in peace. The best opportunities will present themselves in due time, and they may not seem to be circling every pilgrim by now.

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