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Who Am I? “I’m Spiderman” - Peter Parker

Hi everyone, just now I realize I haven't made any proper introduction since I’m joining this community last month. I was super excited to finally found this amazing community that made my full attention to explore more without thinking much about who am I and introduce myself. Apologize for that 😄.

I’m Vietria Hutagalung, 30’s something, from Jakarta, Indonesia. I describe myself as an old free spirit trapped in a modern era. I know, too much reading transmigrated books but hey that was one of my favorite reading book 😁, beside I also like to read contemporary and historical romance books. Here are my reading books recently:


Source: my own library in Webnovel apps.

I’m also a make-up enthusiasm. Hunting new product and try them are my favorite “me time” but I’m sad because since the pandemic outbreak, a lot of store closed so I couldn’t get any samples to try on. I hope everyone stay healthy and this messy situation will be ended soon!


In term of my daily activities, currently I’m focus to learn more about crypto and blockchain. It’s been two years since I know about them in July 2019. I’m lucky enough to have my degree in Information Technology back then so it wasn’t hard to understand the concept behind those two. And thanks to my craving to tech world I meet a lot of people with the same interest and introduced me to Hive community and ecosystem including to play Splinterlands, ugh I’m so addicted to it! Playing everyday to complete Daily Quest and open the rewards are likes I open birthday present, my heart goes boom boom 😂.

Daily task.jpg


I’m looking forward to see Hive community and ecosystem growth higher in the future!

I share all I know about PeakD to my friends. One of my friends, Ms. N was struggling from covid and still recovering right now. I said to her to share her knowledge about her job in Borneo conservatory and her travel to in and out of Indonesia forestry. That would be adventure and challenging too. Can’t hardly wait to read her stories.

Another achievement that I will fulfill soon, I’m taking course to be a certified wealth manager. Yes, right, wealth manager, my friends and even my family are asking me why would I take that course because all they know I wasn’t someone who involve myself in finance stuff rather hire someone who did that. For me, knowing crypto and blockchain are equal to wealth and I’m trying associate myself with them. And this is part of “Live a life you will remember” - Avicii.

Thanks so much for reading my self-introduction today, I hope all of you enjoy it!

