Fachadas de Gibraltar // Gibraltar facades

Cuando veo algo bello no puedo evitar pararme y contemplarlo detenidamente. En este caso son viviendas que me encuentro callejeando por Gibraltar. Edificios con muchísimos años cargados de historia pero a la vez bellos y armoniosos.

When I see something beautiful I can't help but stand and look at it carefully. In this case they are houses that I find myself wandering around Gibraltar. Buildings with many years full of history but at the same time beautiful and harmonious.


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Este edificio está adornado con unas celosías metálicas que le dan un mayor esplendor a la fachada.

This building is adorned with metal lattices that give a greater splendour to the facade.


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Está situado en pleno centro pegado a un colegio privado.

It is located in the middle of a private school.


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Otro edificio a destacar está situado en "Main Street", y aunque es pequeño tiene mucho encanto.

Another remarkable building is located on "Main Street", and although it is small it has a lot of charm.


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A pesar de la estrechez del edificio le da para albergar una tienda de zapatos y complementos junto a la puerta de entrada.

In spite of the narrowness of the building it gives you to house a shoe and accessories store next to the entrance door.


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Photos by @cuvi taken with an iphone 6

2020 All rights reserved

Fotografías de @cuvi hechas con Iphone 6. 2020 Reservado todos los derechos.

By @cuvi

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