Have you ever wanted to be a cloud?

Have you ever dedicated a few moments to stop yourself from the fast flow of time, from the frenzy of the day, from work commitments or from the many problems that life poses us to face every day?

I often stop to watch the sunsets but I also love to observe the clouds, I like to watch them move pushed by the wind and approach without delay, free from any restrictions. Sometimes I think what it would be like to feel like clouds, fly over the world from hundreds of meters and observe the evolution of things, probably with disinterest.


The autumn air is slowly approaching and the weather of these days somehow shows it to us. I often go by bicycle to the former industrial area of ​​the city, to date many companies that produced marble in the 80s and 90s have closed and the atmosphere is ghostly but there is a great silence, broken every now and then by some steel plates due to of the wind.

Time threatens rain, you can see it from that veil of water that falls down from the clouds and gets closer and closer. The sunset is almost entirely covered by the gray of the clouds even if some pink light always find the strength to come out. But I love to stay here to admire the storm approaching, every now and then a lightning bolt in the distance tears the clouds and from a distance, as if it were an echo, I seem to hear the unmistakable sound of thunder that disperses in all directions.

Yet the sound of the sea and the waves that calmly break against the stones of the beach are an unmistakable call of nature. What beautiful sounds. During my walk, this beautiful image I photographed caught my attention: it is a gate that gives access to an uncultivated land, bordered by a stone wall and through the gate the clouds that show themselves in an overwhelming way in the sky, also threatening rain

It is a gate that gives access to an uncultivated land, bordered by a stone wall and through the gate the clouds that show themselves overwhelmingly in the sky. The photo alludes to much more than can be observed. Clouds represent the freedom to move without limitations, driven by the wind of curiosity.

On this side, however, we are trapped in a cage, our life which often prevents us from rejoicing and enjoying the freedom to which we aspire so much. The uncultivated land represents a bit of the mystery that must be faced, after opening the gate, before reaching that freedom.

I wish everyone could be like those clouds


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