Traditional And Old


Traditions are old, but old is always gold
Some traditions are standing on the edge of extinct, but the truth is one day we all become extinct
Point is, we have to embrace old traditions, they are old treasures
With time we will going to miss this beauty, old beauty.

Fast moving and just money making ideas ignores some of the traditions, these are not good attributions
Traditions showcased how to leave colourful and meaningful life, in the name of development we are living now materialistic life
There is a need of change, how to feel? That's the change
Many forgot how to feel and behave, they are keeping those thoughts with them which leading them towards harsh behave.

Let's save life, innocent life
This era is cruel, unfortunately many of us are cruel.
Old versions of life teach us what we should not become at all, otherwise which lead us to nothing at all
Remember what path and turn you have to take, which you have to take.

Sit down and inwardly convert yourself into a mountain, you are an ancient mountain
Stand strong with those words, truth holding words
Your worries will be vanished by those words, healing verse and words
Not to be sold, traditional and old.

giphy - 2020-05-01T040727.166.gif

"This is my original and opinionated work".

(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).

Thanks and regards,
Chiranjeevi Sarikonda
(Spread Love, Spread Kindness)
Stay Blessed


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